Chapter 15

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August 16, 2016

I held my bag tightly while sneaking out of my room. Our professor isn't here yet so I have more time.

Sadly, Lia and I are not in the same department but eversince—we got closer. She's in fashion department whilst I'm in architecture department. One more thing why I love sneaking out of class is, most of the guys pick on me and I hate it. Professors doesn't do anything, they say, we're old enough to fight back.

"Lia-yah," I poked her back with a sinister grin on my face.

"You memorized my schedules so well than I could ever." she stated and turned to face me with her crossed arms.

I got used to memorizing Yeji's schedules that's why...

"What club are you going to join?" Lia clings to my arms as we walk our way to the library, her favorite place. Lia seemed cold and bitchy or whatsoever but she's softhearted and a genius. She love studying most of the time.

"I like arts and music so I'll choose between—" she cut me off when she lets go of my arm that surprises me, "W-What's wrong?"

"Let's be in the same club. Arts are dirty, music hurts my ears." Lia stated.

When she told me that she doesn't like arts and music—I didn't know that she mean it like this.

"W-Well...choose our possible club then." I says as we enters the library eventhough there's a heavy feeling building up inside me. It's fine, right? Lia is the only person I can depend on here and...I should follow what she wants in order to keep her by my side.

"I'll ask Somi later." she said, referring to her friend.

I watches Lia as she starts reading her notes. Like how Yeji used to do every single time in their room, in the corner of the library—where she seemed so nerdy. A cute nerd. But wasn't I the nerd one after all the act I've shown to her?

It's summer in my hometown. Season where I'm supposed to have a glimpse of Yeji. First summer where I wouldn't get irritated to Sohee when she opens my door while I'm drawing Yeji's face.

Everytime I think...Yeji pops out. Yeji. Yeji. Yeji in the corner of my mind, in the center—she occupies everything in my mind. How I hate it...

"Lia-yah, do you believe that ghosts wander around if they hadn't get their peace yet?" I asked. Since Lia's older, she might have the same belief as Yeji.

She chuckles and closes the book she's reading, "That's an interesting topic but are you a kid? Ghosts are not real. Scarecrows are use to scare crows from cornfields—so what do you think about ghost? It was made to scare naughty kids." Lia stated, "Y'know...if we die, we rot underground." she smiled at me so I slowly nodded.

"But there's some footage or instances that shows—"

Lia shut me off by putting her point finger on my mouth, "Every footages can be manipulated. There's no ghosts, Ryujin-ah."

" you know that each people has their own skies? Skies that can be painted—" again, I stopped speaking when she laugh.

"Go straight when telling something, we're not here to be poetic. People won't understand you if you'd act weirdly like that." Lia gives me a smile before her eyes shifts back on the book she was reading earlier.


"No need to say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I guess, you're just young and immature." she uttered.

"You need to say what you wanna say frankly. Everything is different here."

Yeji's young...but she's not immature.

Today is August 16, Buddy, exactly one year when my unforgettable moment with Yeji happened. I wish...we took the bus for hours that day...

Is she taking the bus with someone else?


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