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A/N; Heavy chapter, mention of blood and killings. Please be advised.


Just like a mirror, they have a perfect reflection. The same feature, the same stature. The only difference is the emotion in their eyes. One is flashing anger and disgust while the other is lacking any sentiments and feelings.

They collided as they charge towards each other, throwing punches, exchanging kicks. It doesn't matter where the hit landed. Each one has a goal to destroy and to kill.

Sarawat holding two daggers in his hand, Tine exchanges hit to his opponent, Boat is struggling to pin his opponent to the ground, Lhong is smirking as he corners his shadow to the trunk of the tree and rain him a punches here and there, Leo and Fiat are decided duel with their enemy as a partner. Win chase his identical towards the depth of the forest.

Cirrus is in a place where he can back up his brothers, holding a sniper rifle to shoot whoever is in danger with the attack of the enemies but got caught by his opponent who looks like him also.

"Be careful guys, they don't seem to feel pain. I remember, when I fight Dylan even though he is bleeding, he never showed the expression of a man in pain. " Nikolai said through mind link to warn them for they seem to have a hard time defeating them.

Lucas and the other guardians face the ultima with the same level of spell and force.

Art is about to grab Tharn but Type caught his hair and scarcely pounds his head to the ground. Type pull him up and throw him on a waiting tree that made him whimper in pain.

"Don't focus on my mate..." Type said as he glances at his husband who looks at him in surprise.

Coughing with blood, Art smile wickedly at him, then at Tharn who turn around and catch the head of one of the enemy to cut off its head.

A glint of pain flashes on Art's eyes, Tharn looks at him in disgust, the alpha didn't even want to lock eyes on him. It triggers his anger towards Type. He stands up and looks at the Luna with his ferocious gaze and gritting teeth.

"I will kill you...worst than Grace. " Art said and charge towards Type.

The two exchange punches and claws.

Tharn who saw how Art became crazy got worried about Type.

"He is a chosen, Art is no match to him. " Lucas said and while piercing the tip of his arrow on the neck of his opponent.

Nikolai easily killed his opponent along with Elijah who was always on his side to make sure he is safe.

"Nik, whatever happens, tonight, always keep in mind that I am with you always! " Nikolai heard Marquise's voice inside his head.

"What the hell are you saying? " Nikolai answered with anger and worry.

He caught his enemy and quickly cut off its head and let the black smoke eat his body.

Two of the ultimas face him with glistening eyes, smirking at him while glancing at each other.

"You are the goal of this war, shadow tamer. " One of the ultimas said while lifting its hand in the air.

Their shadow traveled and reach the back of Elijah. Nikolai who knew what is about to happen quickly use his black smoke to protect his mate.

"If I am the goal then leave my mate alone. " Nikolai answered them, flashing his eyes in emerald green.

The ultimas laugh evilly and attack him, Elijah wanted to help but three ferocious beasts blocked his way.

Thanya helps her brother but they lose sight of Nikolai who lures the ultima warrior inside the eerie forest.

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