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"Do you really think that guy will join our side? He does seem a little off-"

"He'll definitely consider it. I get a feeling he's smart." Jeno fixed his glasses as he retaliated against the younger, Jaemin, who walked beside him down the hall, "We'll first turn him against his partner and get him to join our side. By now he's already doubting him."

They met a large double doored room at the end of the hall, the older pushing both  handles forward. He lead the other down the stairs and into the basement of their mansion.

"The first door on the right," he muttered while using a key and clicking the door unlocked. The door swung open.

"The library?" Jaemin pouted, "Jen you know I hate to read," he whined but Jeno quickly hushed him.

"We're not allowed to be down here, I stole the key from my mother, so keep quiet." He headed into the room where the lights were dimmed almost dark and books covered everywhere; the tables, the shelves, the walls.

"Doyoung told me there's a book here with all of the nations history. If we figure out their weaknesses now, we'd be able to overthrow their nation later."

"You want to overthrow the Royal nation?" Jaemin cocked his head slightly with confusion, "But isn't that...bad?"

"No Jae, the Royals are bad remember. I'm just avenging our nation, and you." Jeno hummed as he rummaged through the books. But Jaemin couldn't seem to get the concept, "It's like fighting fire with fire."

The younger squinted his eyes long and hard and he thought. Meanwhile Jeno finally getting a grasp of the book he had been looking for.

"I found it!" He cheered.

"But then the fire never goes out." Jaemin answered finally, causing the other to raise his brows.

"Jae what are you talking about now," he sighed, tucking the book under his arm.

"You said you want to fight fire with fire, but at the end the fire will get worse. So wouldn't that make things worse?"

Jeno stood in silence for a few seconds before humming, "Let's go eat, I'm hungry."

"Okay!!" He perked up with happiness before rushing to beat the older through the doors. But Jeno didn't move.

Jaemin's words left him to think, maybe his idea wasn't the best. But it's what he's waited so long to become king for, to make the Royals pay, to put them at their lowest, and to be Jaemin's biggest protector.

He finally picked up his feet to start walking towards the doors where Jaemin waited outside of. A small smiled appeared on his face when he seen him, then it slowly fell.

He didn't want Jaemin to look at him as bad.

He had a lot of thinking to do.

Donghyuck didn't know how to feel about Renjun. The stories Jeno told him stuck in his head since that meeting, and he honestly didn't know who to believe.

Well Renjun never really told him anything after all, keeping so many things secrets from him, maybe Jeno could possibly be right?

He was walking besides then older in the mansion's greenhouse as Renjun watered and tampered with each plant.

"Apparently 5 vamps went missing last night, so no more staying out too late unless your staying the night wherever you are." Renjun said while pulling the stem of the flower from the soil.

He shot a glance at the other who stood blankly at the ground. He held the flower pail down at his pelvis loosely, finger anxiously tapping at the side.

Renjun rose a brow before raising his hand up to the others forehead and flicking it.

"Wha- hey!" Hyuck shot out of his trance and looked stern at the older, he must have been so lost in thought he wasn't paying attention.

"You seem to be thinking pretty hard over there," the older pointed out, "Actually you've been being weird ever since you hung out with that chenle boy. Do I need to send Yuta with you at your next sleepover?"

"What are you talking about? I haven't been being weird. Why does everyone keep saying that?" Hyuck groaned. If anything, it felt like everyone around him were the weird ones and he was centered in the middle of it all.

"Whatever, weirdo, now take these so we can prep them for the Ball." He stuffed a handful of spider lilies.

"I'm sorry, the what? Why do you never tell me these things before hand?" He huffed while taking the plants into his hands and dropping them into the pail.

"Because you're an airhead and would probably forget anyway. Some family and town vamps are coming to the mansion to meet you and I."

"So like a meet and greet."

"Airhead." Renjun rolled his eyes while tucking a small flower behind his ear, "But if that dumbs it down for you, yes. It's tomorrow night and I need you to stop being weird by then."

Hyuck sucked his teeth, another night of wearing their ugly ass clothes. And another night of having to pretend to be someone he's not. Renjun could see the frown on his face from a mile away.

"It won't be all night, I promise. I was planning to sneak away halfway through anyway. You can join me in my great escape." He smiled, it was almost cute Hyuck would say.

"If it means cutting the night short then I'm in." The boy agreed giving a small smile. But he couldn't help but think whether or not he is just a convenience to to the other, just to become king.

And would he really get rid of him once the plan succeeds? Something about that just made his stomach churn.

Maybe he didn't mind Renjun using his for the time being after all.

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