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"Sir Jeno, Jaemin from the Na family is here to see you..." The man spoke voice clear and monotone.

"Send him in."

He watched the man disappear and be replaced with a younger one who frolicked in with much excitement, lips cured into a large smile and his eyes having the usual twinkle in them.

"I just received the most interesting news, I had to share." He practically sung, sitting on the sofa next to the older, leaning back on the older's shoulder.

"I'm intrigued." The other hummed and wrapped his arms around the other's waist, pulling him closer to himself.

"The Royal's son found himself a hubby. Better yet, he isn't fully vamp...They corrupted him into one. How pathetic." He started to laugh.

"A half human, half vampire hybrid? They can't be serious! I swear! The Royals are just so idiotic," The older spat.

"I know right. What happened to the whole, 'we don't believe in taking a precious humans life'?" Jaemin mocked and laughed at his own words, hearing the other join him.

"That's exactly how Royal's sound, however here they are calling us the bad guys. They're no better than us."

"And we'll get to meet them soon..." Jaemin's eyes read excitement and mischief as he pounced onto the older, "I can't wait to see our rivals!"

"Jaem, stay on your rocker. What'd I say about acting like that..." Jeno warned with a look that Jaemin clearly understood as to calm down.

"Sorry, it's just that..." He smiled sly while looking down into his lap, "I'm just excited, that's all. We've waited years for this, right sir!"

"Hm, we sure have."

"Can you explain to me why I'm your husband!" The younger

"What is there to explain? You're gonna marry me, silly." He smiled and hooked his arm around the younger arm.


"Stop yelling!"

"But you just yelled!"

Renjun slapped his hand over his forehead. He silently moved further onto the bed and crossed his legs.

"What if I refuse?" Hyuck mumbled and fiddled at the hem of his sweater, occasionally peeking for the older's expression.

"Then we'll have to kill you. We can't have you running around with a type of power you can't control, can we?"

His face was completely solemn, lips fixed in a straight line and eyes cold. Hyuck shivered at that. This time he looked serious.

"But there's no need for that. Right?" The older cocked his head to the side, lips in a smug smirk and brows teasingly raised. "Any other questions?"

"Are you going to explain everything to me now?" Donghyuck pouted at the older who only rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, What is there to explain?" He scoffed in annoyance while crossing his arms.

"Okay, rude. And you can't just kidnap me, call me your fiancé, and expect me to go along it with as if it's nothing! And why'd you chose me? There's thousands of people other than me on earth!"

"You approached me first." He pointed out and smirked.

"Wha- I was being friendly!"

"Whatever, next question."

"Why do I have to marry you? I'm too young! I can't even work a washing machine!" He claimed, making the older laugh.

"Once I turn 20, I'll be old enough to rule over the Royal nation like my ancestors wanted, but I need a partner. A 'wife' or in this case, husband to be eligible. Stupid right?"

"So you don't like me for me? Just so you can run a...nation?"

"Well, I don't know you yet. But I can learn to love you. I'm pretty easy going." He smiled, "Plus I get a sense from you."

Donghyuck went to speak but tripped over silence, feeling his cheeks warm up.

"Okay, anyway!" He attempted to change the topic, "What did I drink earlier? Was it human blood? Why does it taste better when I'm a vampire? Once I accidentally tasted my own blood and it tasted terrible-"

"No, it wasn't human blood. We don't do that here." Donghyuck tilted his head in confusion. "It was cow's blood. The Royal's nation doesn't believe in killing innocent humans to feast on."

"Okay, What the fuck is the 'Royals' and why do you keep mentioning them?"

"It's the name of our nation." The younger paused, then looked at the older as if he wanted him to continue, "There's two rival nations of Vampires. The Royals, or in other words, the good guys. And The Bloods, in other words, the freaks who make humans hate us."


"You ask a lot of questions," the older whined while hopping off of the bed, "Aren't you tired? You still have school tomorrow."

"Aw, What! I still have to go to school?"

"Yes." The words making the younger pout. He sighed and fell back in his bed.

"But I thought vampires like, slept during the day and hang upside down and shit."

"Those are just stereotypes! We do not sleep upside down, nor do we track our sleeping schedule. We sleep when we want."

"Oh." He hummed at the new information, sliding under the blankets of his bed. "Where are you gonna sleep?"

"My room..." He rose an eyebrow as if it was obvious, "Why? Did you want me to sleep with you? I'm down with it-"

"Nope! Good night!" The younger rambled and pulled the covers atop of his head, hearing the other chuckled and close the door behind him.

What the hell did Donghyuck get himself into?

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