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He definitely felt bad this time. He felt bad the first time too, but he felt even worse this time. I'm fact, he felt terrible.

He had begged Renjun to stay over Chenle's for the night for 'catching things up'. Though, he wasn't at Chenle's and instead, Blood territory. He was meeting Jeno to 'talk' and he wasn't really sure if he could trust him or not, but could he really trust anyone?

Jeno told him it'd be easier for him to come to his mansion since he doesn't have his tattoo yet. So he walked up to the large staircase and knocked at the door, being greeted by a tall thin faced man with a scolding look that could kill.

"You're here for Jeno?" He asked, lifting his shirt a bit to expose the wood stakes on his belt, "We don't like intruders."

"Y-Yes, I'm here for Jeno." He nervously nodded, knowing what that gesture meant: that if he tried something, he'd definitely be risking his life.

The taller hummed, dropped his shirt and started to lead him down the hall. He followed him in front of two large doors, which the taller pushed open for him.

Inside looked like a normal living room, just more expensive and formal, "Jeno, a young man is here for you."

Hyuck simply stood at the door frame of the room beside the taller, waiting for a welcomed entrance onto the living room. In few seconds, Jeno walked into the room from another entrance, his partner Jaemin following behind him.

"Thanks, Doyoung." He smiled, gesturing Hyuck to enter, "You may come in."

Doyoung bowed then stepped out of the room, leaving Hyuck to walk inside the room and take a seat across from Jeno on the couch. Jeno flashed him a welcoming smile.

"Wow, you really are bold. Coming to Blood territory without your partner. I bet he doesn't even know-"

"Cut the crap. I came to hear you out." The older's smile fell into an annoyed grimace.

"Right, I wanted to talk to you about..this whole situation. I don't think you should hang out with guys like Renjun. Specially...I mean Royals." He started off, already having Hyuck furrow his brows at him.

"Get to the point."

"What I'm saying is, you should join the Bloods." He straightforwardly said, crossing his arms.

It was a surprising offer, one that Hyuck found sketchy; The enemy trying to get him to join his side. Typical. Of course he wouldn't, but now he's intrigued.

"Well aren't you going to tell me why? Win my interest?" He slouched in his seat, waiting for the other to go on.

"Just look what they've done to you. Have you not realized? You can't even call yourself human anymore. You're intoxicated and just part of Renjun's plan to become ruler. And once gets what he wants from you, then you'll be abandoned and forgotten. You're just a part of his plan and nothing more-"

He's never exactly thought of it that way, him being robbed of his life and forced to join the vampires' way of living. Not the way Jeno described it.

"You haven't even met Renjun till that day. You don't know if he's like that."

"And you do? You don't know him at all. I bet he's told you Bloods were the stereotypical 'bad guys' because that's all you humans do. You follow stereotypes, so he dumbed it down to your level. But it's more complex than that. There is no bad guy- good guy situation going on here at all."

He had a point, Hyuck thought to himself. He didn't understand the situation at all, let alone did he know about Renjun at all. But he didn't say anything, he wasn't going to say he was right. Instead sighed while keeping his eyes locked in the other.

"Take a look at Jaemin's right wrist." Hyuck did as told, not seeing the point of it. He observed the boy's wrist to see a scar above his Blood tattoo, "Jaemin was born a Royal and as you can see, abnormal. He doesn't exactly fit the critical vampire agenda which makes him unlike everyone else. In your terms, disabled."

"Now, Jaem, take off your shirt." Jaemin obeyed, lofting his short offer his head to reveal multiple severe cuts and whip marks, "And this was his punishment for being born the way he was. All Royals are the same. Reckless."

Donghyuck didn't want to hear any more of it. He knew Renjun wasn't like that. Or at least he thinks so-

"You can't judge Renjun off of everyone other Royal you came across! It's isn't fair," Hyuck shouted, starting to get frustrated with Jeno's words, "You don't know-"

"I know you've been abandoned by everyone you get close to. And Renjun will be no different if you keep this up." Hyuck paused, his words starting to get to get to him. He was right yet again, "I just want to help you. I am not the enemy here. Just think about it, okay? You're welcome anytime."

He exited the home not long after hearing those words, beginning to walk the streets among the 'Bloods.' Feeling iffy about his conversation with Jeno. He couldn't help but feel scattered and confused on who was right and who to trust.

He thought to himself as he walked down the towns road, seeing a guy with a black hood catch his attention while walking passed him across the road. He didn't know why, but their presence immediately made his arms tingle and the hair on his neck stand.

He snapped his neck to look back at him, and he froze. The guy seeming to catch his attention looked exactly like Mark. He narrowed his eyes, seeing if they were just playing a trick.

But the facial structure, the casual smolder it looked like he always had and the large shining eyes he knew like the back of his hand.

It couldn't be Mark, right? He can't be in a place so dangerous-

He started to turn and walk toward him but something in him told him to stop. Maybe it was how his blood ran cold when he started to walk his way or how the hair on his neck raised intriguingly.

And the very familiar shivers down his arms and back made him tense.

He didn't know what, but something was definitely off.

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