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He didn't know why  he felt so guilty about sneaking out with Mark. Maybe because it was behind Renjun's back? Maybe he was warming up to him?Yeah, that one date they went on was nice but-

His lips curled into a frown.

"Hey, don't look upset, we can always see a different movie. I didn't know that one would be sold out so fast." Mark explained, wrapping his arm around the other's shoulder.

Right. The movie.

"What are you talking about? I'm not upset, see!" He grinned nice and big, nudging the older's side with his elbow.

"Pfft, you're such a dork." Mark laughed, earning a little punch in the arm.

If he were to be honest, he missed this. Just like old times before he was kidnapped and forced to marry a vampire against his will.

Crazy how life does that.

"Well shit, I don't know what we can do now. Our first time hanging out in forever and we have nothing to do." Mark frowned,

"Loser, you just told me not to be sad. Don't be a hypocrite. Even just the bare minimum is fun when I'm with you anyway."

"Bro, that's like, really touching." He started to laugh as Hyuck rolled his eyes, "No but I agree. How about just...walking around town?"

"Yeah, no problem." He agreed, leading the way out.

It was later than Hyuck implied to stay out with Mark, even if it was just them sitting and talking. But he could really get caught up hanging out with Mark like this. And they found themselves sitting at the park bench talking about literally anything.

"Hm, one thing I've always thought about you but never told you? You're really like an inspiration to me. But you didn't hear it from me." Hyuck grinned, but really expecting to hear that.

"Well, I am awesome. Okay mine is... I always liked you. Like, more than a friend." Hyuck cringed at his own words, "Jeez thats embarrassing." He started to laugh, playfully hitting the older on the arm.

But Mark only looked back at him, not laughing with him. He looked at him shocked, to which Hyuck began to freak out.

"Haha, why aren't you laughing with me?" He hit the older in the arm again, trying to knock him into his senses.

"Well, because I like you in that way too." Mark said with a small smile. Hyuck couldn't relate, because now it was his turn to look at him shocked.

He couldn't believe that the guy he's had a crush on for practically ever actually had feelings for him back. But he was taken by someone who he wasn't even genuine with.

Well, technically he wasn't, He thought.

"Really? Well, Renjun and I aren't really a thing y'know. I don't know why he said that." He started to explain, forcing a laugh and hoping Mark would fall for it.

"Really?" Donghyuck vigorously nodded at the question, "Why'd he lie about it?"

"I don't know? But we're just friends. One hundred percent platonic." He wriggled his brows, making the older laugh.

He could practically feel himself about to burst when he heard Mark hum. What the fuck did a hum mean in a situation like this? He anxiously bit his lip as he stared at the older who looked down at his lap.

It was clear that he was speechless, probably didn't know what to say. Yet, when the older looked back up at him, something didn't feel right.

Mark looked back up at him with a fear written expression and he slowly began to back away. But Hyuck couldn't understand why.

"Mark?" He asked with concern, but the older was already a few feet away from him on the bench by now, "What's wrong? Was...was it what I said-"

"Y-You're eyes," he muttered almost incomprehensible.


Donghyuck started to crawl closer to the older who seemed frozen in fear. And he was going to ask him what's wrong, but something told him not to. His body felt controlled by something else within him.

And that something came over him, a type of adrenaline coursed through his veins, a kind that was satisfying. His hand brushed over the milky skin of Mark's neck, him licking his lips as the older whimpered in fright.

"H-Hyuck, are you sure you're okay?" He stuttered out, trying to push his hands off of him, but the younger nimbly slapped his hand then pinned it down on the bench.

The younger straddled the boy's hips, humming as he felt his mouth water uncontrollably. But Mark looked so good; so delicious right now. And his scent was by far the most delectable thing he's ever smelt.

And though he didn't speak any words, his actions were clear enough. A smirk appeared on his face as he looked at Mark one last time in the eye before dipping his head to take a bite of his neck.

At least, he would have been able to satisfy his senses if he wasn't so damned unlucky and interrupted by the older himself.

"Donghyuck, stop." The all but kind voice spoke, diverting his attention successfully for mark to push the younger off of him and run for his life.

Renjun narrowed his eyes disappointingly at him, handing him a mug, "You're unbelievable." He snorted, observing the younger's appearance.

How his eyes were orbs of dark black and fangs peeking from the bottom of his lips for a greeting.

"You almost bit Mark. Not that I give a fuck." He spat, handing him a full mug he'd brought from home, "But you can't go out hungry. Do you understand? You can kill people, Donghyuck."

Though his voice was less harsh than Hyuck thought he'd be at the situation, he could tell that he was raging. His senses were strong, strong enough to make the hair on the back of the younger's neck raise with intimidation.

"Stop staring at me like your stupid and come on. We're going home." He said with a glare before walking off and not looking back.

[a/n] shameless self- promotion of my new norenmin fic uwu :)

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