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It was sun down by now, which Renjun insisted was the best time for this date he had arranged for them. They walked into a dark alley of the nearby city.

"Are you going to tell me what we're doing now?" Donghyuck whined as he walked along side of the older.

"No, it's a surprise."

"I hate surprises." Hyuck answered, making the older roll his eyes.


Then everything was unbearably quiet and awkward between the two. Surely this was all meant for a bonding experience between two soon to be lovers but it was definitely not meeting expectations.

Suddenly, Donghyuck got an uneasy chilling feeling up his arms and back, making him shiver. He looked at Renjun questionably.

"Where are you taking me? I'm getting chills." He pouted as the alley became more dark the deeper they walked into the area.

"Ah, those are you're senses." stated the older, "It tells you when more vamps are around. It's natural."

They arrived at the end of the alley and met with a brick wall. Hyuck was about to protest until Renjun spoke up once again.

"Over here." He started going down the stairs of a buildings basement lead from the outside. Hyuck silently followed into the dim lighted building.

And his rose both his brows in surprise. It seemed they were at a restaurant which was full with many other people. The place was so hidden he wouldn't have noticed it himself.

Renjun showed his wrist to a tall male in dark clothing, earning a nod from him. The taller then glared at Hyuck, making him feel easily intimidated due to height and the tension.

"He's with me." Renjun smiled and grabbed his hand, leading Hyuck to an empty booth.

Hyuck frowned, feeling the eyes studied on him.

"Why is everyone staring at me?"

Renjun rose his brows as an instinct to the sudden question.

"Well, you're new to the whole...vampire thing. You still smell like human to them. But don't worry."

"Wait, everyone here are vampires?" Hyuck whispered to the older who only laughed slightly.

"Mhm," He handed the younger a small booklet which Hyuck took into his grasp.

He flipped through the menu, finally deciding on something to order, then peered up at the older who was already down looking at his menu and rather looking around the place.

"What's on your wrist?" He remembered to ask, his mind going back to how he presented it to the guy.

Renjun showed the younger his wrist, still continuing to flip through the book, "It's a tattoo. Every vampire has one, it tells you if you're a Blood or Royal. It's imprinted onto your skin but hidden during the day."

Donghyuck eyed his wrist with confusion, "But you have two?"

He ran his finger over the first symbol which was shaped like a crown, probably for Royals. Then the other which was also a crown but shaded completely black.

"Oh, my mom got me that. She was a Blood so," He shrugged and closed his menu, finally deciding on what he wanted.

However Hyuck was still perplexed of the whole thing. Did that make him both a Blood and Royal? And if so, why choose the Royal side? Why even be against them? His mind clouded with so many questions at once.

"You're thinking too loud again." Renjun commented, glaring at the boy's curious expression, "You can tell me what's on your mind y'know."

Hyuck fixed his lips in a firm line and leaned his elbow on the table.

"Isn't that, like, illegal in vamp world? I mean, I wouldn't know but based on how you describe the the relationship between the two..."

"Yep. Perpetrators are sentenced to death." He deadpanned.

Hyuck immediately realized that it must've been an edgy topic not to go over at dinner, tapping his finger anxiously on the table as his mind raced with conversation starters.

Hyuck pouted at the short answer, "Okay we'll, why didn't you want a full, 100% vampire to marry?"

He cleared his throat, almost as if the question caught him off guard, and sat with a blank stare down at the table for a quiet second before shrugging.

"I don't know."

"Wha- That's a lie. There's a reason for everything." Hyuck immediately caught on, narrowing his eyes at him, "Why don't you tell me stuff? I'm literally going to be your husband!" He whines loudly, making a few heads turn in their direction.

"I'll tell you at one point, don't worry too much. Just..dinner isn't the time, okay?" Surprisingly, his voice was soft and quieter than usual. Therefore Hyuck brushed it off, only for that moment.

Once receiving his order, he heard Renjun hum slightly then smack his lips.

"Let's talk about you now." He spoke up, resting his cheek in his hand and having full interest on the younger who furrowed his brows.

"There isn't much to me, I'd rather talk about you. You being...supernatural and all-"

"You're a way more interesting topic to me." Renjun interrupted,

"Not really, but, umm," He thought for a second, "Oh, I lived with my best friend Chenle since junior high. I sing sometimes. I can make some bomb ass chicken soup. I've also driven illegally-"

He paused to see Renjun still having his full attention on him, making him slightly smile.

"See, not that interesting."

"I beg to differ," the older smiled, "I think this dinner went better than any interaction we've had so far!"

Hyuck let a small laugh escape as he thought about it, which was just about true. He could keep this up, right?

Even though Hyuck was now technically...'with' the guy, he still was a question mark, just as alluring as he was in the classroom.

But he'd find out everything sooner or later.


[a/n this was rushed in sorryy but happy birthday to Renjun uwuuu]

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