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"Are you still mad at me? I said I was sorry like, 7 times," Hyuck whined, running away from the older.

"No, now just put it on," Renjun huffed, chasing after the boy who refused to wear another disgusting outfit.

"No, it's ugly." He stood atop of his bed, "I will not stand for this!"

"Oh my god." Renjun has had enough, trailing after the boy for about 10 minutes now. He grabbed the boy by his foot, tugging at it to make him fall on the bed.

"Hey! That's cheating!"

"I'm serious Hyuck, we can't play any games tonight. It's the real deal." He explained, pulling the collared shirt over the boy's head.

"You're still mad at me." Hyuck pouted, making Renjun sigh. Yeah, they had that huge incident due to him sneaking out and meeting Mark, and Renjun had yet to even talk to him about the situation.

"I never said that." He stated, fixing the collar of the boy's shirt.

"You're acting like it." He frowned, at how he wouldn't even look up at him. He grabbed his wrist, finally catching his attention, "Do you want me to kiss it better?"

Hyuck laughed as he seen the older's cheeks redden.

"I'm really not mad at you, I promise. Now stop playing around and get ready."

"Well, drop the location of your stylist around here! I just wanna talk." He scrunched up his face as the older fixed the strands of hair in his face.

As an instinct, he slapped the boy's hand away and frowned, "I can do that myself, thanks."

"And the Donghyuck I know is back." Renjun sighed, fixing his own collar and tie.

"You know what's weird?" Hyuck asked, frowning when seeing the older ignore him, "I said, you know what's-"

"What's weird, Hyuck?" He rolled his eyes and asked unwillingly, fixing his own collar.

"I didn't know what was happening. And I couldn't control any of it, like I was being drawn to, forced against my will."


"You're not gonna say anything?"

"What am I supposed to say?" He shrugged, slipping his hands into his front pockets. Hyuck scrunched his face in annoyance.

"Well at least react," He furrowed his brows, at which Renjun looked at him and let his mouth fall open to create a 'surprised' kind of look, "Ugh, just forget it."

The last thing on Renjun's mind was the incident that seemed to be clouding Hyuck's. He truly didn't care at this point, and right now he was focused on something bigger.

He anticipated this moment, memorized the date at heart. Tonight was big for him.

He was deep in thought, playing out how he wanted the night to go; about the things he wanted to say. What would he say? His brows dipped as he thought.

"Renjun! Hey, what are you thinking about!" Hyuck shouted, throwing a pillow at the boy's face, "And you say I think loud."

Renjun blinked a few times, regaining the boy's presence in front of him. He watched the younger raise a brow confusingly at him. And Hyuck May have thought the clothes were ugly, but Renjun would say he looked cute in them.

He'd never say it out loud though.

"Oh! I almost forgot," He chimed, feeling in his pockets frantically then smiling once finding what he was looking for.

He pulled out a small velvet box with a shinning gold rimmed outline, on that caught the younger's eye intriguingly.

"What that?"

Renjun hummed, sitting next to the other then opening the box for his view. Inside was a gold ring with a small dark garnet gemstone placed in its center.

"It's your engagement ring." He muttered, carefully retrieving it from its box and holding it between his fingers, "I picked it out myself."

Hyuck stared at the ring, feeling somewhat guilty. He didn't deserve such a ring, especially after he'd disappointed the older. He really messed up back there, didn't even give him a second thought. Before he realized, a frown was lying upon his own face.

"What's wrong? You don't like it? If you want, I can try and-"

"No! I like it.."

"Me too, I think it fits you well," Renjun smiled, sliding it onto his finger, "I have a matching one-"

A disturbance of a door bursting open caught their attention, as they anticipated and Hyuck gladly sighed of relief, it was Renjun's father.

Renjun's father was probably just as mysterious as he was, Hyuck thought to himself as his eyes immediately landed on the man who was now standing in the doorway.

He's never really acknowledged Hyuck's presence, he wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know his name, honestly.

"The hell are you two doing in here? The BloodBath starts in two hours-"

"Do you ever knock? Damn," Renjun rolled his eyes, and Hyuck noticed how quickly Renjun's tone changed compared to when he was speaking with him, "Who knows what we could have been doing in here."

"I don't have the patience for your attitude right now. Get up off your time-wasting ass, and head down to the car. Sicheng is waiting."

Renjun only gritted his teeth, giving him a typical teen-grudged eye roll before grasping the younger's hand to lead him out of the room.

"We should go," He whispered to him, Hyuck nodding and heading out of the room; anything to get away from the furry tension between those two.

Renjun looked at his father one last time, narrowing his eyes before following Hyuck out, but a hand on his shoulder made him pause.

He could feel the presence of the elder getting closer, at which he chose to ignore and stare straight ahead.

"Don't disappoint me." And with that, he was given a slight push like a child first learning to walk.

Renjun huffed, continuing to walk down the hall, childishly mocking his father's words of warning while kicking the rug beneath his feet.

[a/n] thank you for the patience for the update, I've been focusing on school a bit more, but I'm back :)

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