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"I can't believe you-"

Hyuck groaned out of frustration, his back leaning against the hard headboard while Renjun only stared at him from the end of his bed with the same blank expression he always had.

It was starting to piss the younger off.

"What are you so upset about? You're starting to get complex, even for me."

The question making Donghyuck scoff and slightly laugh at Renjun's lack of smarts. At least socially.

"Did you really have to come out and expose me like that? I'm not even your boyfriend!"

"You're right." Renjun admitted and sighed, "You're my fiancé."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes at the older male, throwing his pillow at him, only for the other's quick reflexes to catch it.

"Fuck you, you make me so....angry!" He huffed at him, not being able to really do anything about the situation.

Renjun has about gotten used to Hyuck and his attitude by now, so he didn't show any reaction to the younger's anger at all. Instead answering him simply.

"That Mark guy...I don't like him."

"Wha- So you just blurted out our business? Jealousy is a terrible disease." But Hyuck heard him laugh, making him raise a brow, "And what is so funny?"

"You!" He bursted into a more uncontrolled laughter, "You think I'm 'jealous'. That's literally hilarious."

"And you're saying you aren't?" Hyuck narrowed his eyes at him. He knew Renjun wasn't stupid and anyone with eyes and ears could tell that Hyuck was interested in this 'Mark' character. So it's an easy understanding for the older's actions.

"No, I'm not actually. But you can believe that if it makes you feel better about yourself." He ended with a smile, making Hyuck grit his teeth.

"Well, I like him. Not you. Take that!" Hyuck stuck his tongue out childlike, only earning a chuckle.

"Hmm, okay but you're still mine. I'm the one your marrying, not him. And the bite on your neck is also mine."

"Hey! No fair! I didn't ask to be bitten!" Hyuck argued, peeking up to oppose him.

"And I didn't ask to be born but here I am." He flashed a smile then rolled his eyes leading into and awkward silence.

"This is exactly why I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow."

Hyuck furrowed his brows, "What-"

"We have to learn to act like a couple by the time of the BloodBath."

"What's...a BloodBath? It sounds scary."

"Hmm, how to explain this..." He whispered to himself, sighing and resting on his hands on his head, "Well, it's like a coronation but less formal."

"Please elaborate..."

"Well, it's when both the Royal and the Blood nation new generation rulers come together as one for one night. We'll get to meet my opponent Lee Jeno and his partner as well."

The name rolled off of his tongue with heavy weight of annoyance and disgust. Donghyuck noticed, making him furrow his brows.

"Lee Jeno?"

"Mhm. I haven't met him yet, obviously, but from what I heard, he likes to get into his victims head. He has a way with words and his charming looks get him whatever he wants."

"So what I'm hearing..is that he's hot?" Hyuck immediately smirked, earning an eye roll from the older.

"That's seriously all you got from this?" Renjun fixed his eyes serious at the boy, "I don't know about you, but I'm not the type of person to be a push over or embarrass myself. My mother told me to be the best I can be, and not even you are going to ruin this chance. Understood?"

The truth was, Renjun had been looking forward for the BloodBath since he were young. It was everything he dreamed, a bit of independence and control of his own life away from his father.

He wanted to make his mark for his rivals, one that'd  make them never forget who they up against. Which means the night had to go perfect and he couldn't let his guard down. Not even for Donghyuck.

And Donghyuck could tell how serious he was about this whole BloodBath thing, making him sigh.

"Okay fine, I'll...somewhat cooperate but you owe me. Actually you owe me for this whole kidnapping and forced marriage thing!"

"I granted you immortality, have you even been listening!" Renjun rolled his eyes, he hated repeating himself.

"Immortality sucks ass!" Donghyuck fired back, crossing his arms. Yet again the room was quiet with a huffing younger and annoyed older.

"And this is exactly why we're going on a date!"

Thirsty ✧Renhyuck Where stories live. Discover now