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It was a rainy day,the raging storm kept falling upon the car they were travelling in and shaking it lightly. The tension in the car was so thick you could cut through it and it made everyone highly uncomfortable. The two bodyguards in the driver and passenger seat were clearly not used to the couple fighting or even staying for hours without uttering a single word to each other. The man,dressed in expensive fabric,taps the bodyguard's shoulder to signal him to stop. The car comes to a halt and the two bodyguards step out of the car with umbrellas and guns just in case an attack emerges.

He turns to look at her feeding her baby but the bitterness on her face causes his throat to dry and his voice runs to the pit of his stomach. He clears his throat and tries to voice out his opinion to her;"Sthandwa sami this doesn't mean I love you any less, this new bride will not change how I see you,"

His eyes blink repeatedly as he tries to keep the tears from falling. He was a feared man outside his household but he couldn't avoid being soft towards his wife. "Baba why are you doing this to me huh?! Umfazi wesibili?!"she shouts but not loud enough for the people outside to hear. Her already broken heart shattered at the thought of sharing her husband with another woman, not only that but she would be younger and skinnier than her.

She could already imagine a city girl with curves and perky breasts. A virgin girl with beautiful smooth skin and a smile as wide as her hips. She could already hear people's piercing voices shout Guluvakazi omncane like she had earned that title like she did.

She looks at her baby girl cuddled on her chest trying to fall asleep and thinks of that girl's child being taken care of by her husband if she bears a boy. She heaves a heavy sigh and just lets her tears fall. It hurt because she had to understand,her husband wanted boys but she only produced girls. He was an old fashioned man who believed that only a boy will take his place when he dies and he stuck to it. He loved his three princesses but he knew that teaching them all about his line of work would be dangerous for them which is why none of his enemies or friends knew about them.

The love these two had for each other was unmatched and it was evident to everyone who knew them. They were the 21 century Bonnie and Clyde with a Zulu twist but nonetheless,they lived on the edge.

"MaDlamini wami, stove sami,baby trust me when I say she is just going to be the mother of my children,not my lover or anything. I won't make love to her I promise you that,"he tries to mould and soften her,"I'll make it up to you when we get home,"he whispers and pecks her pouting lips. She gives him a flirtatious smile, confirming that she agrees to the second wife.

"Okay sthandwa sam,who is she?"she asks out of curiosity, hoping that he won't tell her of a common name in their area.

"I don't know yet, I didn't want to make such a decision without your concern,"he says nonchalantly and calls in the bodyguards.

The drive home is warmer this time,with him patting his sleeping princess as she sucks on a pacifier."Ndlovukazi encane,"he says cooing and kissing her cheek.

"Haibo baba,"she giggles, causing the little human to shake lightly from the vibrations coming from her laughter.

"Ngiyakuthanda maDlamini,"he says,now diving in the ocean in her eyes,
"Nami ngiyakuthanda Zulu,"she says leaning in to kiss his plump lips.


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