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Today was the day Mzwandile had decided to visit his second...soon to be second wife at the station. His story to his wife was that he had a meeting with the station's supervisor regarding the unlawful arrest and search that occurred on the day he met the goddess of his dreams.

He didn't waste time with leaving the house because his wife could smell his mischiefs from a mile away so he had to escape that.


After the wet kiss landed on her cheek, Lindiwe waited patiently for her husband to drive away before she could track him.

She wanted to follow him so bad but the fear of being caught on 4k hindered her so she just grabbed her laptop and listened to his conversations through the microphone she planted on one of the buttons of his shirt.

She poured herself a glass of cranberry juice and balanced it with some sliced pineapples.


When Mzwandile's meeting with the supervisor ended, he immediately insisted on patrolling the prisons with intentions of finding the reason he bothered coming here but she seemed to have disappeared. He looked and asked around for her but to no avail. It seemed as though she disappeared in face of earth.

His heart broke a little but that did not give him a reason not to go an extra mile. As soon as he found out that Mthiyane was working today he decided to pay her a personal visit.


"Zamo!" her mother shouted at the top of her lungs after having called her twice to no response. It was so tiring but she knew it was not her intention since she was the one who decided to buy her daughter headphones because she played her music out loud.

"Ma?!" Nomzamo responded pulling her headsets away from her ears. She stood up and pulled down her pyjama shorts before heading to where her mother was.

"I'm going to the mall with my friend I'll be back in an hour or so okay."she said carrying her purse and car keys. "Okay, please get me some plain yoghurt,"she requested before kissing her mother's cheek and heading back to her room.

After a few minutes of her mother's departure, a loud knock disturbshed and she automatically reached for her gun. With a careful step she walked towards the door and opened it, pointing the gun at the person in front of her.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

She couldn't believe the he was standing before her. How did he know where she lived?

"Woaw! Nkosazana relax I don't bite, atleast not yet. Please lets not play with our toys in public now,"his deep voice escapes drom his lips. It sends vibrations to her body and the dominance in his voice involuntarily causes her to lower her gun.

He steped in after that like she had invited her in and sat on their leather couches. He stretched out his legs and arms as if he were at his house before turning to look at the shocked Nomzamo. He slowly stood up and walked towards her as she backed up until there was no where else to go.

She could feel his warm breath as he was too close for comfort but she was more than comfortable. He eyes involuntarily closed as she took in his intoxicating scent.

"Unjani mama?"he whispered in her ear before nibbling it. Her breath hitched and she found herself biting her bottom lip. She didn't want him that close to her because she was at a vulnerable state but she had no strength to push him away.

"Uh... what are you doing here?"she asked him waiting for him to sense her unexpected reaction to his presence and move but he came even closer.

"Bengithi ngik'vakashele njengoba ungasebenzi namuhle(I thought maybe I should pay you a visit since today's your off day at work)."

His hands brushed against her smooth skin and gave her a little kiss on the cheek that she couldn't resist. She had to get away from him before she submitted to his seductive ways.

"Get away from me,"she commanded pointing the gun in her hand directly to his crotch. Her eyes were filled with lust but she had to do what she had to do.

Mzwandile was shocked at her response to his actions. He knew that she wouldn't shoot but the nerve to point that gun at him was what made him eager to marry her.

He slowly moved away with a smirk on his face.

He was certainly impressed and she knew it.

Why did she feel relieved that he was  impressed by her action? Was she trying to impress him by chance?


Lindiwe was raging with fury when she heard a female's name being mentioned by his husband in search of her.

"Nomzamo!Nomzamo!Nomzamo!"she exclaimed while rubbing her head vigorously.  She was trying so hard to calm down but her blood was boiling so much that she shattered her favourite vase and cut herself in the process.

What was her husband doing with Nomzamo?

Nomzamo who? For what and why?

The only way to forget about it all was for her to be with her children so she grabbed the keys to the Bentley and drove to her mother's.


Mzwandile came back home to an empty house. He knew his wife had planted a microphone on his shirt but he couldn't resist Nomzamo hence his trip to her house.

He didn't regret a thing. Her beauty was beyond the cosmos and the way her breath shortened in his presence really aroused him. It was nice seeing her weaken and sweat in his presence.

He never thought that he'd meet a woman who'd challenge him the way she did, I mean his wife is a rebel yes but Nomzamo was a whole different breed.

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