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As soon as Lindiwe and her kids got home, she pulled Lilitha to the side to have a chat with her about her granny's boyfriend.

"Yah!Tell me," -Lindiwe

"Ma, gogo's boyfriend is a creep I'm telling you," - Lilitha

"Senzeni?(What did he do?)" -Lindiwe

"Firstly, he was flirting with me but the catch is he was nervous like he didn't know what he was doing,"- Lilitha

"Why didn't you call me!! Lilitha that man could've done something bad to you!"- Lindiwe

"Relax ma hawu! I'm still telling you phela,"-Lilitha

"Okay okay fine, continue,"-Lindiwe

"So everytime he tries flirting with me, ngathi uyasaba(he seems scared). He starts sweating and fiddling around like he is being forced to be a pervert neh. One time I passed their room and heard him talking on the the phone saying he can't touch a little kid, and in my mind I was like 'you saved me some bullets' " -Lilitha

"Okay just because you have a gun you can't go around shooting people, secondly, who was he talking to?" -Lilitha

"Who?" -Lindiwe

"Some lady called Siphokazi Mthiyane. She's married to some cop and gogo's boyfriendis her son,"-Lilitha

"Lilitha uzazelaphi kodwa mntanami?(where did you get this from)" -Lindiwe

"Ma! Focus hawu!
This Siphokazi woman is after dad,"-Lilitha

"Okay wow, that took a turn for the worse,what elss do you know?" -Lindiwe

"That's all."-Lilitha


"MaDlamini it's been 25 years since we've had this talk, when will you tell that idiot of yours that you're getting a divorce?" he asked getting worked up.

MaDlamini rolled her eyes and grabbed a box of cigarettes and a lighter. She looked at him in the eyes and lit his cigarette. Her expression was confusing but she maintained it and took a long pull at her cigarette before releasing the thick smoke.

"Relax baby, everything is going as planned, what you don't trust me anymore?"she asked him with her head slightly turned and took another pull of her cigarette.

"I trust you my love,"


Lindiwe was so confused. What was happening in her house really? Why was Mzwandile so nonchalant? He keeps chasing a second wife instead of focusing on his family.

Everything was falling apart and the only person who could see it was her daughter and she wasn't even supposed to.

Lindiwe had to get something done, something bad was about to happen in her house.

As she was trying to figure out what was happening, Mzwandile stepped in panting and sweating. His face was so relaxed as if he had just received a million rands.

'Why are men so useless' she thought to herself as she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Uyasineka?! Mzwandile weh!!(You are laughing?!)"-Lindiwe

Mzwandile was so shocked. Lindiwe had never used his name in anger or out of sexual intercourse. He slowly turned his body and looked straight into her eyes in shock.

"Mama? Askies?" -Mzwandile

"Ngithe why are you smiling?" -Lindiwe

"Should I cry? Frown perhaps?" -Mzwandile

"Can you not see that something is wrong in your house?" -Lindiwe

"What's happening?" -Mzwandile

Lindiwe was so angry. His nonchalant behaviour was starting to set her off.

"Lo mfazi nyana wakho omfuna kangaka is making you forget important things (This little wife of yours that you're desperately searching for...)" -Lindiwe

"Mfazi nyana? Mama, you failed to give me an heir manje ufunani?"-Mzwandile

Lindiwe's heart shattered at the sound of that.


"You heard me. So now let me find someone who will give me a male child," -Mzwandile

"You know what? Fuck you Mzwandile Zulu!" -Lindiwe

She stormed out of the room.


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