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As a little girl,her dream was to work alongside her father in the police force and today,her dream was coming to life.

Slipping into her uniform,she couldn't help but smile foolishly at the idea of having the opportunity to persue her most desired career.

Her mother on the other hand was a bit sceptical about the whole idea, like a normal parent would be. Her one and only daughter will be risking her life and handling guns,not only that but she'll be surrounded by power hungry men who'd do anything to stay at the top.

She understood her mother's concerns,but the heart wants what it wants. Her father was obviously supportive of the idea because his two sons had other careers in mind,a sad dull life is what he'd refer it to but nonetheless he couldn't do anything more than to speak ill of their careers.

One being a chartered accountant and the other being an IT specialist,their mother had never been more proud than she already was. The beauty of having qualified children with fat pockets kept a smile on her almost wrinkled face.

As soon as she was ready,she stood Infront of the full body mirror and just stared at her reflection."Nomzamo Mthiyane,"she whispered while fixing her blue collared shirt.

She heads to the kitchen to have some breakfast with her parents before she and her dad dash to the local station. Her dad was the head of the station and she would be working as a patrol officer.Her position wasn't where she wanted to be but for the sake of experience,she took it. She had studied forensics and criminology in university so her eyes were on occupying a detective's position.

After praying for the food,they eat in comfortable silence. Having cooked a beautiful breakfast for them,it took less than 40 minutes for the father and daughter duo to finish eating and head out after exchanging hugs and kisses.

On the other side of town, Lindiwe is still contemplating on which girl to choose for her husband. A decent girl who will know her place and just bear boys for their household. Deep down she hated the idea of him having to marry this girl but at the same time,their child couldn't be born out of wedlock so it had to happen.

"Maybe I'm being punished for what I did in the past,"she says to herself sinking into an ocean of thoughts and worries.

She was just a young naive girl and it all happened so fast. She knew that her husband wouldn't forgive her for what she did 23 years ago,the same age that her long lost daughter must be by now.

That thought opened up old wounds that she had been trying so hard to avoid for as long as she can imagine.

Apart from her family nobody else knew that she had a baby during her teenage years. She was only 16 years old when her  baby girl was conceived but because of her father's reputation,she was robbed of motherhood. He didn't want to be dancing on people's tongues because of his daughter.

Being the respected and admired man in the community,he took the child away from her and gave it to a close friend of his who's wife was desperate for a daughter.

The wife only bore male children but her heart desired a female child. Him trying to maintain his reputation over caring for his daughter was the reason Lindiwe loathed him deeply with no doubt.
Her aim was to marry into another family so that she can abandon his last name permanently.

When Mzwandile confessed his love for her,she left no space for games and married him. Her father was happy because he had the required resources(money),not thinking that he is a gangster and that he could put her life in danger.

She left with him anyways, happily ever after, forgetting about a child she once carried in her womb.

It is only today that she ponders her, wondering if she took after her or her father. Her name would've been Ntandokazi she thought to herself.

Her husband budges in their bedroom looking distressed about something. She looked at him with a small frown on her face, searching his eyes for a clue.

His outfit didn't help much because if he was in formal she would've assumed it is business but instead he was in casual wear.

"What's wrong love?"she asks with her eyes still searching.

"One of the guys were caught with merch in their car and was taken into custody,"he says in a single breath.

"Why don't you just bribe the cops that caught him?" 

"Because Mthiyane is the cop,"he says with his voice coated with annoyance



Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead,he just hated jail.

One thing about this couple is that they're quick to think.

"In the next 15 minutes,cops will raid this whole house. I want you to  take the stash in the safe and put it behind the Mona Lisa," he orders her and kisses her deeply.

She nods and does as told.

Indeed in 15 minutes police were raiding the  house and turning everything around. The Mona Lisa was checked but nothing was found. Nonetheless he was taken into custody because the drugs linked to him.
Half of the cops that raided his house were on his payroll so he was not worried about the raid,just about that Mthiyane man.

He knew nothing about him except that he had been chasing him ever since the beginning of time. He didn't even feel threatened by him,he just hated his persistency.

When they reached the station, he was put in a holding cell so that he can wait to be questioned. The smirk on Mthiyane's face disgusted him and he wondered why he hasn't kIlled him yet. He stood against the filthy wall and waited patiently even though he was offered a seat.

All the men in the prison cell knew him and feared him for what he was known for. A pure Zuluman by blood and flesh who managed to rule the underground drug web for as long as anyone could remember. His right hand man being his wife and nobody else,he ruled and traded successfully for the longest time and now Mthiyane is turning him into a mockery.

He stood there silently, thinking of nothing but putting a bullet in Mthiyane's skull. As he was lost in his thoughts,one of the men in the cell with him whistled at a young lady who was passing by. His train of thoughts was cut short and he turned to see why these men were suddenly drooling. When he caught her sight he immediately felt his body getting hot. What is a goddess doing in this forbidden place anyways? She deserved the finest things in life he thought to himself.

He too was drooling along with the men but quickly shooed them realising that all this was harrassment and she looked highly uncomfortable.

"I think I found my wife, "

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