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It was an unpleasant sight. A sight so heartbreaking that she felt herself losing balance. All she hoped for was for it to just be a facade.

But it was real.

He was making love to another woman either than her and she had no right to be angry about it. She wasn't his, atleast not yet.

She was beautiful. Her hips spread out like butter on  bread and her skin like Egyptian silk.

She was gorgeous.

But who was she?

This was no ordinary sex. This was love. You could see it in her tears and in his grip on her that it was love. Their souls were on a deeper connection.

She envied her. But who was she?

Oh, she thought to herself after spotting the rock on her left hand.

She was the wife. She had forgotten that he was a married man.

Much to her disappointment. She slowly pulled the door and made sure to bang it shut. She wanted them to know that she saw everything.

Did he cheat on her? She doesn't even know this man.

The loud bang startled Mzwandile and he was pulled out of his trance. Lindiwe sat up straight in fear with sweat running down her forehead.

Mzwandile instantly went cold when he caught the scent that was accompanied by the breeze. His heart stopped for a second and he went dry in his mouth and weak in his knees.

She saw it all, he murmured under his breath.

He wanted to cry. But why?

This was his wife. His lawfully wedded wife, not just some basic female he got on the side of the road.

He didn't cheat on her.

Lindiwe could sense the tension but she didn't know where to start. Who was in their house? Who could it have been that her husband suddenly lost himself in the midst of their love making.

Whoever this person was, they had a huge impact on him.

Who could it be?

Leaving that grotesque scene, Nomzamo  sped out of the mansion and head straight to a liquor store.

She had a mission and it was to sooth her unwanted heartache. She didn't even deserve to feel like that.

After a few minutes,she parked outside the liquor store and headed in. She was not a heavy drinker but today she was on a destructive mission.

She grabbed a bottle of Vodka, some tequila and a box of cigarettes. She was about to enter a new era today.

Mzwandile on the other hand felt the need to leave his wife and run after a complete stranger. He tried to grab joggers and a sweater , his sneakers were not matching but that was the least if his worries.

Lindiwe didn't even bother to ask where he was headed to because of how exhausted her body and mind were.

"Don't wait up on me," he said and rushed out.

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