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After what felt like a long time, Nomzamo's mother returned from shopping with her friend. To come to think of it, Nomzamo had never been introduced to this friend or even get their name.
Her mother just left the house looking rather overbaked with makeup which was inappropriate for a woman her age,well atleast that's what she thought.

"So ma,who's this friend of yours?" Nomzamo asked her mother who was excitedly trying on her new clothes.

"She's just...uh...a woman I met at the supermarket and we just clicked from then,"she lied through her dentures.

And Nomzamo knew that...and she knew that.

The truth is, she fell in love with the man who gave them Nomzamo. He showed some sense of masculinity and that was something her husband Mthiyane lacked.

After the day they got Nomzamo,she had been stalking and fantasizing about him, hoping that one day she'd be lucky enough to lay her head on his bed and when she did,she held on to her luck.

He was wealthier, more masculine , more seductive and more energetic than Mthiyane. She was tired of living a life of two minutes noodles that was slowly turning to one minute.

Even noodles lasted longer than him.

But she wasn't about to tell that to her daughter so she made sure to lie about every single thing.

"Mzwandile! Wake up!"she shouted while shaking him roughly. After her trip to her mother's she felt much better but she still had 21 questions for her dear husband. She wanted to know what gave him the audacity to disrespect her like that.

"Yebo mama,I'm wide awake baby" he said stretching his arms out, the arms she so wanted to break off his body.

"Ubani uNomzamo?"she asked walking towards him. She could feel her anger brew when she mention her name.

"She's your soon to be sister wife" he said throwing daggers directly to her heart.

"Do you love her?" -Lindiwe

"Not more than I love you,"-Mzwandile

"Have you slept with her?"-Lindiwe

"No I haven't,"-Mzwandile

"Okay "-Lindiwe

" I thought you knew that I wanted a second wife so what's the fuss about sthandwa Sam?"-Mzwandile

"Nothing. I want to meet her before the kids come back home,"-Lindiwe

"She doesn't know my intentions towards her yet,"-Mzwandile

"Well you only have a week to woo her,"- Lindiwe

"In such short notice?" -Mzwandile

"Yeyi! Don't you dare uyangizwa! This is not the time to be arguing with me. Let me go so you can have enough time to court her. Kahle kahle ungenza insangu wena(you're trying to make a fool out of me)"- Lindiwe

With that said,Lindiwe pulls out a gun and points it at him but it doesn't startle him. She moves closer to him and points it directly to his head and cocks it.

"Uzongibulala?(Are you going to kill me?)"he asked her with a sharp tone and straight face.

She moved even closer and climbed on top of him with the steel still on his head. She started to trace the gun all over his upper body while following it with her hands until she reached his crotch.

She sunk her hand into his boxers and massaged it a little while pointing her gun at it. He didn't know how to feel because his wife was very unpredictable,she could blow his brains out if her mentals were all over the place but at the same time,he wanted to enjoy this moment if it were to be his last.

She came close enough for her lips to touch his and for their tongues to intertwine and make love. She kissed him deeply that he forgot that his manhood was at gunpoint and before he knew she pull the trigger of her 1956 Colt revolver .
Mthiyane got home to the most delicious aroma but she knew that her wife couldn't have been the one to cook because she'd been acting rather strange these days. He had tried to touch her but he always got a slap on his hand and that was rather suspicious of her. Nomzamo had told him that she had a mysterious friend that she goes to the mall with and he knew that he had to figure out who this friend could be.

"Wow! Okay Zamo why are you in a good mood my child?" -Mthiyane

"Oh hello baba! I didn't hear you walk in. You know your daughter is a chef in the making moes" -Nomzamo

"I'd like to see this unfold hey! But anyways,where's your mother?" -Mthiyane

"Oh she's probably sleeping in her room" - Nomzamo

Mthiyane walks to their room and tries to open the door but finds it locked. He tries the keys to the door but he fails.

He then checks if he's at the right door, maybe he has grown so old that he'd forgotten where he sleeps every night. Why was the key failing? What was his wife doing in there? She was beginning to act very suspicious.

"Mama!Open the door!" -Mthiyane

"Ngyeza(I'm coming)" -MaDlamini

As he was waiting, he felt a little heart broken that the woman that he loved so much treated him like he was an annoying high school lover.

As a man of his word,he promised his wife's family that he'd give her everything she desires and he did just that. When he first heard her beg him for a daughter,he did what any man who loved his wife unconditionally would do, buy her one...which is how they got Nomzamo.

As he walked into their room he could sense that there was somebody besides them in the room. His wife looked like she was from the shower but her whole body was dry...then why was she naked.

The windows of their room were open and he swore he could smell a male's cologne. He uttered nothing about it and just gave his wife a kiss but the cologne became stronger.

"What's that smell?"- Mthiyane

"It's probably Nomzamo burning food,"-MaDlamini

''No,that's a man's cologne,"-Mthiyane

"Oh yea the boys came to visit me earlier today,"-MaDlamini

"I see..." Mthiyane

MaDlamini could feel that her husband suspected something but also,she knew that he was too stupid to figure it out.

"Let me prepare some bath water for you baba" MaDlamini

"Yes please sthandwa sam (my love). I am exhausted!" Mthiyane

When she scurried to the bathroom, he started searching the room. He knew someone was here and he knew he had to find that person.

He checked the closet, under the bed, behind the door and even behind the curtains but there was no sign of this person.

He slowly set himself on the bed when he realised that his wife had spent close to 40 minutes preparing his bath water and that alarmed him.

He quickly stood up and walked towards the bathroom door. His left hand had his gun as his right hand reached for the handle.

When he twisted the handle he couldn't believe what he saw.


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