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He decided that the only way to converse with her was if he requested for a call. He called her politely with a small smile on his face,hoping that she'd return it. She approached him and stood in front of the cell bars waiting for him to voice out his problem. She was not so close but he caught her scent and instantly felt weak. She just had some sort of hold over him and he hated how weak he felt when she was around.

Like it was ever new to him.

Mind you he had never seen this lady who seemed to have wooed him and already he wanted to marry her.

"Muntu onmuhle, I was just wondering if I could make my call?" he says flirtatiously. She opens the cell for him and leads him to the phone and just stands infront of him. He decides to call his wife to call the lawyer and get him out of here.

This lady on the other hand seemed to be running out of patience with having to wait for a man who was flirting with him one minute and cooing his wife the next. After the call, Mzwandile stood straight infront of her,too close for comfort. She felt her breath hitch when his whole structure towered her small frame. He was fairly tall,but to her he was close to being a giant. She finally stepped out of her trance and handcuffed him, leading him back to the cell.
Nomzamo's POV

My first day in wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, apart from being named maMthiyane by my co-workers. I really wish they treat me equally and not think that I am where I am because of my dad.

Oh my dad! What a wonderful man. Today he managed to catch the notorious gangster he has been chasing even before I was born.  I was really proud of him.

After the capture,he left him in the holding cell and left to go attend to something else. I decided to help around the station instead of patrolling the streets so I sneaked in and patrolled the station instead.

During my patrol, something caught my eye.  One of the two holding cells was occupied by a man,not just any man but a man that stood out. He was the cleanest,most decent and the most handsome man I'd ever set my eyes on. He looked older than me but not old enough to be my father. His frame was built with such exquisite detail that I couldn't help but pass by to see well,a sight for sore eyes indeed. He had on a grey Ralph Lauren Polo golf shirt,blue denim Diesel jeans and a pair of A1s.

Such an outfit was highly overrated but he owned it. As to how I knew what type of jeans he was wearing is above me. It took me by suprise when he called me to help him and with his polite manner, I decided to go to him.

I stood a fair distance away from him and he stared me down with his tall frame. He wasn't dramatically tall, I'm just a tad too short.

I unlock him and walk him to the phone. I walk Infront of him knowing that I was giving him a full view of what he would never get.

When I heard him saying my love on the phone, my heart just broke a little. I was a little disappointed with the new discovery so I just avoided any 'feelings' towards him...feelings huh.

After his call I took him back to his cell and just continued with my patrolling.

Mzwandile's POV

I think I just found my second wife. I can't believe my arrest led me straight to the arms of this goddess! After locking up the cell, I fix my eyes on her. I had a moment of imagining what type of person she is and if my wife would love her. Today she had to be informed about this auspicious occasion and I knew just the way to slide right into it.

I love my wife more than anything in the world. She is the stability of my household and the shoulders and neck that hold the head up. People might not know this but she is low-key the leader of my drug web,as ridiculous as it seems, I'm just the face of everything.

I love how she let's me think that I am the driver of everything but instead she is the engine and fuel of my empire. She has even given me beautiful daughters that I would die for...oh my princesses! Lilitha is just like her mother,very descrete and calm minded yet dangerous when provoked.

I remember the day I found out she had a gun,an illegal gun for that matter. I was proud of her but yet again had to mask all that with livid energy. One of the guards was sneaking around with the maid when my wife and I were not home so my princess warrior suspected an intruder.
She was only 15 years old at that time,so you can imagine how shocked I was to learn that she had a gun to her name.

She heard them sneaking in and she snuck up on the guard and shot his shoulder. The force of the gun bruised her a little too but nothing to be hysterical about. All guards rushed in aiming guns at this one and the maid, only to find miss Lilitha holding a pistol. The head of security Tinyiko,called informing me and I remember my wife punching me in the face.

She was 5 months pregnant by then and all this was my fault,as usual. I took it like a man but deep down I knew that her diamond ring pierced right threw and broke my jaw somewhere.

That night I dealt with her the only way a man should deal with his wife,that was the only way I could avenge my potentially fractured jaw. I've received bullets and golf sticks from my dear wife and she received senseless sex and vacations.

Going back home,I was excited honestly but her mother wanted to give her a hiding. After all the drama,we decided to take her to shooting ranges and get her a more manageable gun that is licensed.

Fast forward to my current situation of this young female that I can't help but find attractive. I couldn't go without asking around about her so I called one of the boys in the cell with me to ask him.

"Ubani losisi mfo?(who's that lady bro?)" I ask him curiously.

"Eish bozza yami she's Mthiyane's daughter,"he says,removing what was left of his hat.

"Mthiyane has a daughter?"

"Yebo bozza,she is new in the station. I heard she is fiesty and doesn't take nonsense," he says almost bowing down to me.

"Haibo, what's her name?" I ask him now folding my arms in disbelief.

"Nomzamo bozza yami,"he says nodding.

I pass him a R50 note and thanking him for his useful information. I never carried more than R200 in my pocket. I'm not rich I'm wealthy.

After a few minutes of receiving the information, one of the police on my payroll comes to release me. "Mhlonishwa,you have been permitted to leave," he says calmly and I walk out of the cell.

As I step out of the station, I bump into Mthiyane being scolded by his boss. Unlike last time,he looked distressed and pissed. I just looked at him and laughed at how pathetic he is, I let him take me in purposely without a proper warrant so that I can threaten him with a lawsuit.

I'll have to visit the station's boss and tell him to suspend him. The only reason I won't kill him now,is because he is going to be the grandfather of my son and my future father in law.


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