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The next morning was indeed beautiful, matching the energy in their household. After yesterday, Lindiwe had come to terms with the fact that her husband will take another wife. It wasn't a taboo in their culture but she just hated the idea because her mother was in a polygamous marriage and she lived to be a bitter but bold woman all because of her sister wives. She,on the other hand trusts her husband and his judgement so she convinced herself that she has nothing to worry about.

Her mornings are always the same,with him always bringing her breakfast in bed and their kids joining them after. She just didn't want all that to be taken away from her,the new girl would either build or break her household and she couldn't have that for her kids or herself.

After their morning routine,she starts preparing the girls for their stay at her mother's house for the school holidays, giving them a chance to find this new wife and perform all necessary rituals for her. She took it up to herself to do all of that because she didn't want any girl walking in her house with an infinity inch Brazilian weave and nails like a hyena's claws and no manners.

After packing their clothes,they all hopped into her SUV and drove to her mother's house.

Lindiwe's relationship with her mother was a bit complex,looking at the fact that her mother  had no idea what kind of life she lived with her husband. It was difficult maintaining a descrete life with her being the last girl to both her parents. Her siblings, especially her sisters,always wanted to stick their noses in her business which she tried her level best to keep to herself. Some would say she lived a lonely and boring life,but her life was more exciting  and adventurous compared to an average person's life.

She parks on her mother's driveway,they make their way to her front door and ring the doorbell.

"Ngiyeza!"a woman's voice echoes from inside the house and the door swings open after it.
A wide smile forms on Lindiwe's face, opening her arms wide to receive her mother,who embraces her warmly. The kids greeted their granny,each receiving a wet kiss on their cheeks and they ran in meeting their cousins.

Unlike her sisters,she had managed to keep a man and her marriage for as long as she can remember. Her sisters on the other hand would be promised marriage then later on deprived after having a baby with that man so they'd leave their kids with their mother until they find another man to marry. Her mother never complained,but instead was happy that she wouldn't have to end up alone and sad.

"Haaaaah, it's been a minute sisi,"her mother says, settling on her wrapped couch. Living with four grandchildren had led to child friendly furniture.

"Haibo ma we talk on the phone already everyday,"she says rolling her eyes at how exaggerated her mother was.

"And how is that enough my baby?you must call me every second!"she says standing up to pour them some iced tea.

The children had gone to the backyard to play and socialise among each other and catch up. None of them knew they were being watched from a distance,that they've always been watched ever since their aunt and cousins stepped into their home.

After spending more than enough time with her mother and her  nieces and nephews,she called her oldest daughter Lilitha to the side to give her orders before leaving.

Pulling out a gold pistol and a cellphone from her purse,Lindiwe hands it to her 16 year old daughter and looks at her with worried eyes.She hated leaving her kids where she wasn't close by,but she had to put her trust on the hidden bodyguards and her 60 years old mother.

She leaves after kissing all three of her children and carefully giving her teenager instructions,"don't hesitate to shoot an intruder, only use this phone for emergency okay my baby?" Her daughter gives her a nod and tucks the items in her purse.

Unlike normal teenage girls, Lilitha had no flight signals. She would stay to fight for life even if it meant losing it. She felt fit to lead her father's empire because of the skills she acquired from her mother.

Her mother had known that if they die, Lilitha being the eldest would have to stick up for her two siblings at all times.

She watches her mother leave and walks away to carefully hide the gun from the other kids.


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