The Beginning

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Author's Note- I had a dream one night that inspired me to write this story. There will be lots of SMUT, graphic depictions, and strong language viewer discretion is advised.

Hello, my name is Ainsley Sullivan, I'm 21, and I work at a small clothing boutique with my best friend, Marie Lennon. Marie and I have grown very close since I've been working there. She's much older than me, so I see her more as a mom than a friend. My home life is not so good. My parents fight all the time and blame me for a lot of their troubles. Most of the time, it turns physical. I've been trying to save every penny I can with the hope of moving the hell away from them.

This morning I woke up early to make a cash deposit at my bank and grab some breakfast before work. I came home, and my dad was drunk already and holding one of my bank statements in his hand. He started questioning me about money. Like I haven't ever helped them out. I pay for the electricity, water and buy groceries, but it's never enough. He started telling me how he and mom have it so tough right now and that I'm sitting on all this money, not sharing it. He demanded that I go and withdraw all of it and give it to him so they could get out of debt. I said no, and explained that I was using it to move. He got pissed, threw his liquor bottle at me, and rushed me. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me hard, yelling at me. I scream at him to get off and that he's scaring me. He laughs, smirks then hits me. He pulled me up by my hair and pushed me out of the house, making me fall, and told me not to come back till I had the money.

I drove straight to work, arriving there a little bit too early. I just waited in the parking lot, ignoring the incoming calls from my parents. I knew they just wanted to argue with me. After twenty straight calls, I decided to block their numbers. I took a compact out of my purse and tried to cover the bruise forming on my face. I did the best that I could, decided to stop before making it look too cakey. Reluctantly, I grabbed my purse and headed in.

At work, Marie noticed the swelling and bruise on my cheek. She held me while I broke down crying and begged me to tell her what had happened. I told her all about it and how I'm never going back there. She smiled and asked me where I was going to stay now. I told her in my car or maybe a cheap motel. She shook her head immediately and told me no, and that I should stay with her. She said she wouldn't charge me a dime. It's only her, her sister Sofia, and her son Damian who lives in the house. It's Damian's house really, but I know he won't mind. I told her no but thanked her for the offer. She hugged and kissed me and told me the offer was there if I changed my mind.

I thought about it the whole shift and weighed the pros and cons. I sat in my car after work with no idea what to do. Then Marie pulled up beside me, smiling and asking me to please reconsider. I changed my mind right then and there. I told her I'd love to live with her and her family. She smiled and told me how relieved she felt and told me to follow behind her to her home, to our home. 

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