Playing Housewife

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The next morning I woke up and noticed Damian wasn't beside me anymore. However he left me a note saying he needed to leave on business and didn't want to wake me and that he'd be back later tonight. I wrapped myself up in the sheet and snuck off to my room. In my room, I quickly gathered some clothes and headed off to the bathroom to shower. After my shower, I dressed, pulled my damp hair back, pinning it with a hair clasp, and went to the kitchen, grabbed myself water from the fridge and went back into Damian's room. I stripped the bed and tossed the linens into the wash, then went back to clean the rest of the room and bathroom. After a few hours of cleaning I was finish, the whole house was spotless. I then decided to go into town and buy some food for dinner tonight. After all they have bought pizza and cooked very nice meals for me, I felt like it should be my turn to flex my cooking skills.

I bought everything to make a pot roast dinner with potatoes, carrots, and onions at the grocery store. The sides will be peas and fresh yeast rolls, I also took the liberty of stopping and buying some very nice bottles of wine for dinner, red and white, to be safe.

I hurried home and got started on dinner. Everything was just perfect and when Maria and Sofia came home they seemed really impressed. They gave me much praise before going upstairs to get freshened up for dinner. While they were gone, I began to make the plates and set the table. As I looked in the various drawers for a corkscrew, I felt his strong arms wrap around me. He pulled me close and kissed my neck, I turned around and smiled at him.

"Why hello there!"

"Mmm smells so good in here baby."

"Thank you, I've missed you so much today. I had to keep myself busy."

"Awh, I've missed you too, baby. I'm going to show you how much tonight." He grinned and kissed my neck, picking me up and wrapping his arms around me so tight.

"Ok kids, not in the kitchen." Sofia laughed.

We knocked it off and we continued on with the dinner.

The dinner was a success, and everyone loved it. Marie and Sofia retired to the living room, and I cleaned up the kitchen while Damian made some phone calls. 

Once I finished, I went to Damian's room.

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