The Claim (Part 2)

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He kissed me once more and whispered in my ear. "Eyes on me baby, pretend we're back in my room."

I kissed him passionately and wrapped my arms around his waist. I let my purse drop to the floor with a soft thud. I started to undo the buttons on his shirt, taking it off letting it fall to the floor. I stepped back unzipped my dress, letting it slide down my body for him to watch. Only my heels and panties remained. I laid down on the bed. He took off my heels, sliding off my underwear next. I lay there so exposed for 11 men to look at. I hate to admit it was exhilarating. He ran his hands over my breasts, feeling them, causing my nipples to harden. He leaned over me, licked one, then sucked on the other, making me moan as he did so. He kissed down my body to the top of my vagina, then pushed my legs open. He kissed my moistened lips, causing me to gasp. He gave me a long lick from my opening to my clit. My hands covered my mouth. I might scream if he did that again.

'Damn, you taste so fucking sweet, baby." He groaned, giving me another lick.

He then spread my lips open and stated, "My God, you really are a virgin."

"I told youuuuuuu......." I trailed off, moaning.

He licked and sucked my clit, massaging my hymen with his tongue. He bit my thigh, and I cried out. He immediately kissed it. Next, he rubbed my clit with his moistened finger and sat up unbuttoning his pants, pulling them off along with his underwear.

I closed my eyes and braced myself thinking he was going to put it in any moment. Then I felt him, his soft kiss on my neck.

"Open your eyes, baby, keep them on me. I promise I'm not going to hurt you, here reach your hand down and touch me."

I did, I barely brushed my fingers against him, and he moaned against my neck. I rubbed my hand up and down his length, and he moaned more. I rubbed him against my wetness. He moaned, aching with need.

Damian propped himself up and rubbed the head of his penis against my quivering slit.

"If it hurts, tell me. If it feels good, tell me that too, baby." His voice was shaky, desperately wanting to be inside me.

"I will."

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," I said, bracing myself for what was to come.

He pressed against me hard, making his manhood bend. He gripped it hard, pressing it into me until the tip went it. I cried out.

Tears streamed down my face, "Oh, god, it hurts. It hurt so bad. Please.."

"I know, baby. I'm sorry it will for a moment. I'll stay still until you tell me to move." He kissed my tears and my lips, trying to help me cope with the pain any way he could.

The pain started to subside a little bit, "Ok, try moving a little bit more." I said.

He did, pushing more of his length into me, bringing the pain back with it. My back arched, and I cried out his name. He held me close and kissed me some more.

"If I keep moving slowly, it won't hurt as much."

"Okay, baby. Please go slow, though."

He began moving in and out very slow. It still hurt but nothing like before, little by little, it started to feel very good. I looked down to watch, watching his member partially covered with my blood. He was so long, had to be at least 12 inches, so much of it couldn't even fit inside me. It soon felt very good. I moaned his name and clawed at the bed. He continued to hold me, peppering my lips and neck with kisses.

"Faster baby, please. I feel like something is going to happen."

He sped up a little, and soon, I felt an explosion of pleasure shoot throughout my entire body. I clung to him. He began moaning loudly too, and soon I felt very warm inside, warm and full.

He collapsed beside me on the bed, immediately covering us with a blanket one of the men handed him. He thanked the man for it and dismissed them all. A few kisses and moments of cuddling later, we eventually got up and got dressed.

I fell asleep on the car ride home. When we arrived, he carried me inside, laying me down on his bed. Damian turned on the shower, stripped me of my clothes, and led me into the shower. We took our time washing each other, giving many kisses, and holding one another. After the shower, we dressed and got into bed. Damian held me and said, "How are you feeling, baby?"

"I feel a little sore but not too bad."

"That's great to hear, my love. I was a little scared there for a minute. I don't want to see you cry."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. It just hurt really bad."

"It will get better with time, I promise."

My mind started to wonder, "Has it been enough time now?"

"Mmhmm, let's see."

He kissed me all over and did some more oral magic on my no longer sore pussy. I even took a try at my first blowjob too, and I liked it. Licking and sucking on his throbbing cock, the moans he made drove me crazy. I got on top this time and eased down into him, much better. I worked my hips, bounced my ass up and down, and I came much faster this time. He rolled us over, taking top position. Thrusting his hips forward and driving in as deep as he could before cumming and filling me to the brim for the second time.

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