A Surprise

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I lay on the comfy bed waiting on Damian to finish with his calls. I made myself comfortable and turned on the TV searching for something to watch. 

Damian finally comes in, looking very excited.

"Hey baby, can you mute the TV? I have some news!"

I did, "Ok, what's up, baby?"

"How would you like to go away with me for a couple of weeks?"

"What? Where are we going? What about my job? I have to go to work tomorrow." I blurted out.

"Just quit, baby. You don't need to work anymore. I'm taking care of you, my love."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! My mom and Aunt Sofia only work there because the business is a front. We own it. We work part-time and fix the paperwork, so the IRS doesn't get suspicious. Why do you think you've been getting your paychecks in cash? You've been working for us this whole time."

"Wow, I never suspected anything was off. That's crazy. But of course, I'd love to go away with you."  

Damian jumps onto the bed and smothers me with kisses. Now pinning me to the bed by my wrists, he excitedly said, "We're going to Vegas for two weeks. Of course, I have a little bit of business to do, but it's just a few hours a day. Then the rest of the time, I'm all yours. We can gamble, go site seeing, shopping, whatever we feel like."

"That sound's amazing, baby. I'm so excited. When do we leave?"

"First thing in the morning. One of my guys will drive us to the airport, and my security will accompany us on the flight and throughout our endeavors in Vegas."

"Mmm, sound's great. I guess we should go to bed then. I'm not tired at all, though. I wonder what we could do to get me tired?? Hmm, any idea's my love?" 

"Oh, I know just what you need, baby."

His lips kissed mine, and our tongues played for a moment. He began moving down my body, leaving a trail of kisses. Damian then flipped me over and pulled down my pants and underwear. His arms wrapped around my thighs, and then his tongue buried deep inside me. I moan out very loudly, gripping the sheets tightly in my fists. He started moving his tongue, licking everything, sucking my hardened clit, and flicking it with his tongue. Then back into my core, and then something I didn't expect, he started to tongue my butt. It felt so strange at first, so I tried to pull away, then his grip tightened around my thighs, and he pulled me close and entered, gasped loudly at the intense feeling. He licked me front to back rapidly and kept sucking my clit. All the stimulation made me burst with orgasm. I cried out and thrashed. He didn't stop licking me and continued his erotic torture on my clit and tight holes. He did stop for a moment, though to bite my butt cheek leaving only light marks behind and a kiss. He positioned himself behind me and pulled his impressive lengthy girth out, and eased it into me. He didn't give me much time to adjust to his size before he began pumping in and out of me.

"Damn baby, your so fucking tight, mmhmm." He growled, giving my ass a light slap.

"Oh god, yes, it feels so good, baby. You're so deep inside me."

He pumped faster now, grabbing my shoulders and reaching around to palm my big breasts, pinching my nipples and slapping my butt. 

"Do you want to taste me like I've tasted you, baby?"

"Oh yes, please, baby, I want to." I cried out.

Damian quickly withdrew from me and came up to my head, gripping his cock with his hand and pumped it back and forth. I rolled over and opened my mouth, soon spurts of white liquid shot out. I took every single drop into my mouth, swallowing every bit. It tasted bitter and a little salty but good. I liked it. 

Damian laid beside me and pulled me into a cuddle position. He kissed my shoulder and neck and whispered as he dozed off, "I love you." 

I said nothing, choosing to keep it to myself, "I think I love you too, Damian." I thought.

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