Getting A Job

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Months have passed since our trip to Vegas, and Damian and I are still doing great. I've moved my things into his room now, and we're closer than ever. He's been working more and more. I guess there's been some trouble with a shipment of goods or something. I'm not really sure. I just overhear him on the phone sometimes. I want to go back to work soon. Things get so boring at the house. But I'm not sure how to bring it up to Damian. He is so protective over me. He thinks it too risky for me to work somewhere unsupervised. I've made it up in my mind that tonight I'll ask him again to let me go back to work. 


Damian comes home from work, and I am in bed watching some TV. He comes in and takes off his coat and shoes. I sit up and turn off the TV.

 "Hi baby, how was your day?"

"It was good, babe. How was yours?"

"Oh, it was fine." A lie. "I was hoping we could talk."

"Sure, what's up, babe."

"I want to go back to work."

"Honey, we've been over this. It's too dangerous. If you really want to go back to work, you can work at the clothing boutique."

"I don't want to work there, though! I want to do my own thing, in a place where everyone isn't watching me."

"I said we could talk, we've talked about it, and my answer is, no." 

"But, I'm so bored here! I need to get out of this house and not just go to the grocery store either. I want a job!" I demanded.

"I'm sorry you are bored, but the answer is no, damn it! Don't ask again!" Damian shouted before getting up, going into the bathroom, and slamming the door.

I lay there on the bed and began to cry. Memories of my mother and father flooded in. Damian soon came back from the bathroom and cuddled up behind me.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, baby. Things have been stressful at work, to say the least, and I took it out on you. I'm so sorry. Please turn around and look at me."

I turned around, and tears still streamed down my face. I cuddle into Damian, burying my face into his chest.

"Baby, please don't cry."

"I'm sorry, I just... I hate getting yelled at. It makes me think about my father." I sobbed.

"Oh, sweetheart." Damian brought my face up and kissed my lips softly. 

"I love you," I told him for the first time.

Damian stared into my eyes, "And I love you too." He kissed me once more. 

I kissed him back, and my tears soon disappeared as we entangled our bodies together. We made love for hours. Afterward, we lay in bed holding one another.

"Baby, you still awake?" Damian asked.

"Yes, barely." I giggled.

"If you really want a job, it's okay with me if you get one."

"Thank you, babe." I kissed him once more before falling asleep.


When I woke, Damian had already gone to work, per usual. I showered, dressed, left the house. Then I headed into the city to look for work. After going to several locations, I finally struck luck at a jewelry store. The store owner gave me an interview on the spot and hired me. Afterward, I was so happy I went out for lunch, got a coffee, and headed home. 

At dinner, I told everyone my good news. They all seemed happy for me except for Damian. He looked worried.

We talked about the job, laying in bed. Damian said he could have one of his security guards posted outside during my shifts. But I refused, I told him that's too much and I'll be fine, there's nothing to worry about.

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