Las Vegas

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Damian and I showered when we woke up, packed our things, and met with our driver outside.

Our flight went great. We both napped through most of it. When we landed, our luggage was taken care of by the security. We went to our hotel suite right away to unpack and freshen up. 

The room was amazing, very big, and luxurious.  Our security team had the room adjacent to ours. After we unpacked, I went out onto the balcony. Damian soon joined me, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"What do you think, baby?"

"I love it. The room, the view, everything is just beautiful."

"Mmm, your beautiful baby." He kissed my neck.

I turned around to face him and kissed his lips passionately.

"So what do you want to do first, baby? Gamble, eat, maybe catch a show? Your choice."

"Gamble, texas hold 'em, definitely."

"Ooo, nice choice, baby, let's go."

We went to the hotel's casino. Damian bought us both in a game with starting chips totaling $5,000 each. After several hours and margaritas later, I was up in chips, $12,500 up! Damian was up by $1,000, and he was very impressed with my playing. We decided to call it, cashing out our chips and heading to dinner, the security escorting us everywhere.

Me and Damian are now back in our hotel room.

"Wow, dinner was great. I'm so full." I said, yawning.

"Me too, You tired, baby?" Damian asked.

"A little bit, I was thinking about trying out the jacuzzi. Want to join me?"

"Hell yeah! Of course, my love."

Damian and I stripped each other of our clothes and entered the jacuzzi. We just lay in the hot bubbling water, enjoying every moment. 

In the morning, when I woke, I was in bed. I rolled over to face Damian. He was awake as well.

"Good morning, baby." He groaned.

"Good morning. Did I fall asleep in the jacuzzi?"

"Yes, I picked you up and carried you to bed. You know you make the cutest noises when you sleep?"

"No, I don't." I laughed.

"Oh yes, you do soft little moans. Sometimes you moan my name. What do you dream about?"

I covered my face with embarrassment, "Nothing, I don't want to say."

"Please tell me, baby. You can tell me anything. You dream about having sex with me, don't you?"

"Yes, I do, ever since we've met," I admitted. 

"Aw, baby. Want to try some of the things you dream about?" He hugged my naked body, pressing his erection firmly against my heat.

I went down underneath the covers and started to lick and suck on his cock. Taking as much as possible into my throat while palming the rest. I jerked him off and licked his balls, driving him crazy. While I continued my mouth and hand movements, I used my other hand to rub my clit. After I was thoroughly soaked, I climbed on top. I squatted and eased down, leaned back, propped myself up with my arms, and bucked my hips. My legs spread wide open, giving Damian a full view of himself inside me. 

"Oh my fucking god, baby. Don't stop! Damn, you feel so good."

"Ooh ahh yes, baby." I moaned out.

Damian gripped my hip and trusted up. Pushing his length further into me, I cried out. He continued, then faster and faster. Until I couldn't take anymore, and I came. But this time, some liquid came out of me, and I screamed. I shook with pleasure. Damian just kept thrusting and reaching his orgasm too, cumming deep inside me. I got off and laid beside him after. My juices coated his stomach and chest.

"Fuck, baby. That was amazing! That's what you dream about doing?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I..." I stammered point to the mess I made.

"No, don't be sorry, I think it's hot as fuck. You came all over me, and you squirted. It's a normal thing that happens when you are very turned on.

He said before leaning over and kissing me. 

The next two weeks went by so quickly. Damian worked during the day, towards nightfall he'd come back to the hotel. We'd gamble some more or go to a show or sightsee. Then we'd get dinner, go back to the hotel, and have the most amazing sex. It was never dull or boring. Every time was amazing. But soon enough, it was time to go back home. We packed our things and boarded the flight back.

Now back at home, things were still going great. Marie and Sofia greeted us with a welcome back home, then asked me all about the trip. I sat down and told her all about it while Damian and his men brought in our things.  

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