The Confession

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When I woke up, I decided I had to tell Ainsley about last night. After all, if cops do come asking questions, she needs to know what to say. So I got up, made us a coffee, and brought it back to the room. 

"Here you go, baby." I handed it to her.

"Thank you."She took it, smiling at me.

"Hey baby, I need to talk to you."

"Uh oh." She said, laughing. "What is it, honey."

I didn't know how to put it, so I just came out and said it. "Scott is dead. I killed him."

"You did what?!" She yelled.

"I had to, for your honor. I killed him."

"For mine or yours?" She snapped.

"Easy there, darling. I protected you. I did as promised." 

She began to calm down some, "Thank you for protecting me, but what about the police? I'll be the prime suspect of interest."

"Me and my men have taken care of it. I killed him, and we dumped his body and car in the river. Had he been drinking, right? Well, they'll likely think he drove off the road drunk and crashed. We fixed the paperwork and cameras. Everything points to you being gone long before his 'disappearance." I continued. "If the cops come around asking questions, tell them you left at closing, but you noticed he'd been drinking."

"Ok, did he say much? Did he say why he attacked me?"

"He said he did it because he wanted you. He thought you were beautiful."

"That bastard."

"And he paid dearly for it, I saw to that. You need to call into work and tell them you quit. Tell them you found a better-paying job somewhere else. Not today though, it'll be too suspicious. Maybe in a week or so. Until then, we need to make sure no one sees any bruises or marks. You should wear red lipstick and dark blush. We'll get through this baby, I promise."

"I hope so. I'm scared."

"Nothing's going to happen to you, baby, I swear it."

"I'm sorry, baby. All this is my fault." She started to cry.

"No, baby, no. It isn't."

"Yes, I wanted to get a stupid job. It's my fault." She cried. I held her tight until she stopped.

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