Moving Day

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The next morning when I woke up, I put my clothes into the dryer. Then I went into the kitchen, still wearing his clothes, and fixed myself a cup of coffee. Marie, Sofia, and Damian sat at the kitchen table, sipping their coffee and making small talk. I took a seat next to Marie. As I sat down, she said, "Any plans for today, love?"

"I'm going to my parent's house, going to try to pack and move some of my things over here."

"Please be careful, honey. Hey, how about you take Damian with you? You know, just in case."

"That sounds good to me, But only if you're not busy," I said to Damian.

"I'm not busy, and I'd love to." He smiled, taking another sip.

"Good, that's settled. Marie and I are going into the city today, going to do a lot of shopping." Sofia exclaimed.

"Sound's awesome. I hope you guys have a great time."

We stayed there for about a while, drinking our coffee and talking. Then I heard the dryer sound off. I excused myself and left to get dressed.

When I came back out, Damian was sitting on the couch. " I'm ready if you are, love."

"I am. Thank you for coming with me, by the way."

"Of course, hon. I don't want anything to happen to you, and I'm happy to go."


We pulled up to my parent's house. "Good, their cars aren't here. Let's go. We got to be quick in and out."

"Sound's good, babe."


We finished moving the last of my stuff. Damian went to wait in the car while I wrote my parents a note explaining why I was leaving for good. I put the not on the kitchen table along with my keys to the house. I left the kitchen and rounded the corner to the living room. My mother and father stood there in the living room.

"Where the hell have you been?!" My mom yelled.

My stomach dropped. I felt like I was going to vomit. "I stayed with a friend last night."

"Who? What friend?" She kept yelling.

"It doesn't matter. I'm leaving for good, and you won't be seeing me again." I spoke up, trying to sound tough.

My mom started to fake cry, as usual, to make me feel guilty.

"Look at what you are doing to your mother! What's wrong with you? You get all your shit and put it back in that damn room... NOW!" He demanded.

"No. I cannot live with you anymore. You hit me." I told, showing the bruise on my cheek.

"You should've gotten hit more with that attitude you got. You spoiled little bitch." My father rushed toward me.

I moved quickly and raced for the door, trying to open it. But my mom grabbed my hair, stopping me. My dad grabbed the back of my neck and threw me down, and kicked me. He went to punch me but was stopped.

"Get the fuck off her!" Damian grabbed my dad's arm and pushed him back, causing him to fall. My mom let go of my hair, and Damian helped me up. I opened the door and ran outside, got into my car, and locked the doors.


Ainsley ran out crying. Tears streamed down her face. I really struggled not to fucking stab those pieces of shit she has for parents, but I remained as calm as possible.

"The both of you, stay the hell away from her. Don't try to contact her or visit, nothing. She no longer exists in your world now." I said.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" Her fat ass dad said.

"I'm her boyfriend, and if you ever hurt her again, I'll break both your fucking hands and shove them up your ass!" I seethed.

I slammed that fucking door so hard the glass panes broke. I walked up to the driver's side and knocked. Ainsley opened the door, "Let me drive, honey, ok?"

She just kept crying, went to the other side, and got in. I started the car and began the drive home.

"I'm sorry you had to see them. I didn't think they would be home. You must think I'm a real loser, huh?"

"What? Why? Because you have terrible evil parents? That's NOT your fault, honey." I said, reaching over and holding her hand.

"I'm just so sorry..." She said, crying some more.


I pulled the car into the driveway and turned the engine off.

"Thank you for your help. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there."

"Anytime, I'm always here for you, whenever you need me," I said, kissing her hand.

She smiled, "Shall we get the bags out now?"

We unpacked the car and put the bags in her room. I helped her put all her clothes away, and everything else out until it was all finished.

"Do you want to go watch some TV?" I asked her.

"Yes, that sounds great. I could use a bit of a rest."

"Ok, you go pick something out, and I'll get us something to drink."

I grabbed two can colas from the fridge and went to the living room to sit with Ainsley. I sat down next to her and held her close. I think she enjoyed the closeness, too, as she started to rub her fingers up and down my arm.

But it didn't last long. My mom and aunt Sofia came home.

"Aw, look at you two kids!" Aunt Sofia yelled.

"Oh my gosh, that's so sweet, love birds." My mom cooed.

Now embarrassed or aggravated, I don't know which, I asked Ainsley, "Oh man, you want to go to my room? I have a bigger TV in there anyways."

"Oh yes, that'd be great." She smiled.

" You two behave in there." My aunt hollered down the hall before erupting with laughter.


"Geez, don't mind those two old biddies." He joked.

"Oh, they're just being sweet. Wow, your room is very nice!"

It was a very spacious room like two rooms joined together. Everything was perfectly organized and neat. The color theme was all black and gray, and a huge flat screen was mounted on the wall, a king-sized bed across the room from it. There was a huge safe big enough for a person to fit in, a black marble desk, a walk-in closet bigger than my room, and a master bathroom with a nice walk-in stone wall shower, among other luxuries.

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it."

"Are you kidding? I love it." I said, flopping down onto the soft bed, my arms stretched up over my head, feeling the smooth fabric underneath me.

He watched me lying on the bed before getting on top of me. He held the back of my head with one hand the other hand on my hip. He pulled me close and kissed me. I kissed him back, savoring every moment.

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