Damian's Revenge

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 (Damian's POV)

I pulled into the alleyway and parked beside the entrance of the building. It's the same one I claimed my beautiful Ainsley in. I walked in and met up with my men. 

"Tell me how, did it go?" I asked.

"It went well we got him. We dumped his car in the lake. When police investigate, they'll find the whiskey bottles in his office and his car. They'll think he got drunk, wrecked it, and the current washed him away."


"Also, we got him to sign off on Ms. Ainsley's papers and her timecard. She was long gone before any of this occurred. Her belongings and car are in transport to your house as we speak. We swiped the surveillance footage as well. If I may ask, how is she holding up?"

"She was very shaken up, but she'll be okay. This asshole won't be, though where is he at?"

We walked through the building and into the back room, then there he was. My men had him blindfolded, gagged, and tied up to a chair in the same room I took her virginity in, where I'd claimed her not so long ago. I walked up and ripped off his blindfold, and pulled out his gag.

He squinted and looked around at everyone, "Where am I?" He said, spitting out some blood.

"Shut the fuck up!" I spat, punching him in the face.

"Aw!" He started to cry.


"Why? What?"

"Don't play fucking stupid. Why did you put your fucking hands on my girl?"

"I didn't know she was taken. I'm sorry." He cried.

"Taken or not, you tried to rape her?" I punched him again.

"Aww! God, please let me go. I'm sorry!" He pleaded.

"You're not going anywhere. Now talk, or I'll cut your fucking dick off and shove it up your ass!" I slapped him.

"I liked her, okay! I thought she was so beautiful, everything about her is beautiful. I had to have her, but she never wanted me back. So I planned to have her anyways, but she got away." He admitted and began crying hard.

"You ripped her clothes off so hard she has rug burn on her back. Then you punched her, busting her lips open and causing her face to swell up. And while you have her stunned, you tear off her bra, and you grab her so hard big bruises cover her chest. You're a pathetic piece of shit. It's going to bring me great pleasure killing you." I seethed with rage.

"NO, NO please noooo!!!!...." Scott Donovan screamed for the last time.


I walked into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I watched as Scott's blood, pieces of his brain, and flesh washed down the drain.

My men bagged him up, and we disposed of his body in the river. I thanked them for everything. They wished me well and to Ainsley too. We said our goodbyes and left the scene going our separate ways.


Now at home, I quickly got into the shower and washed. Making sure to scrub every piece of Scott off of me, I didn't want Ainsley to see anything. Once I finished, I put my clothes into the washing machine and started it. Then I got into bed and cuddled up with Ainsley falling asleep soon after.

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