The Assault

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It's been a few weeks since I've started my job. Things have been okay, except for my manager, Scott Donovan. He's kind of a creep. He always comes up close behind me. He plays it off like he didn't know how close he was. He insists I call him Mr. Donovan at all times. I also catch him trying to peek down my shirt when I bend down. Some of my female coworkers have warned me about his creepiness, but he's the owner's nephew, so no one ever reports anything. I haven't said anything either, especially to Damian, for fear he'll want me to quit. 

Today I was scheduled to close with him. I headed off to work, wearing my usual business attire: black heels, a black pencil skirt, and a white blouse. Damian kissed me goodbye and wished me a good day. I kissed him back and left for work. 

Work was the usual, dealing with customers, explaining all the jewelry types to them, and letting them try different pieces. I was pretty busy, so I didn't really notice Scott too much.


After business hours, it was time to close up. I locked the doors and began to move all the jewelry into the safe, accounting for every piece on my paperwork. When I finished, I went to find Scott. He had to verify all jewelry was accounted for, sign my paperwork, and lock the safe so I could leave. 

I knocked on his office door, "Come in!" He shouted.

I opened the door and saw him sitting at his desk. "Hi, sorry to bother you, but I'm finished just need you to sign off on my papers." 

"Here, c'mon in and have a seat, darlin'." Scott waved on.

I sat down and handed him my papers. 

"Would you like a drink?" Scott asked as he took a glass and bottle of whiskey from his desk drawer.

"Oh no, thanks anyway, Scott, but I gotta drive home."

"It's just one drink, c'mon! And I told you to call me Mr. Donovan."

"No, thank you, Mr. Donovan. Can you please just sign the papers? I really need to be getting home." I said, standing up.

Scott jumped over his desk, and I fell back into the chair. He hovered over me and hissed, "I've been nothing but polite to you bitch! Who are you to fucking reject me anyway?! It's just you and me in here. I can do anything I want to with you." He said, tracing his fingers over my cleavage, dipping them down into the front of my shirt.

"Fuck you!" I pushed him as hard as I could, got up, then made for the door. He caught me, though. Scott grabbed the back of my blouse and ripped it from my body. He pushed me to the floor then climbed on top of me. He hit me, punched me so hard, dazing me. While I tried to pull myself back together, he ripped my bra open and grabbed my breasts hard. I cried out in pain and kneed him in the balls hard. He yelped and fell over, holding himself where it hurt. I got up and ran out of the office, feeling like he was right behind me the whole time. Thank god I forgot to lock my car doors today. I got in and locked the doors right away, then immediately called Damian.

*Switch to Damian's POV*

I looked at my watch it read ten o'clock. I thought to myself, "Damn, Ainsley should be home by now!" I was beginning to feel uneasy, so I went to the bedroom, grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I started to dial Ainsley's number when she called me, and my stomach dropped. I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. 

I answered and heard her crying hysterically. "Baby? What's wrong?" 

All I hear is her cries. 

"Calm down, honey, and tell me what's wrong. Do you want me to come to get you?" I was already putting on my shoes.

Her voice cleared up a little bit, and she said, "Yes, I'm at work. Please hurry, he's still here."

 I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. "Whose there, baby? What happened?"

She continued crying but weakly replied, "My boss, he assaulted me. I'm stuck here, and I don't have my keys or anything." She said, continuing to cry.

My fucking insides boiled with rage, "I'm on my way, baby. I'm coming as fast as I can."

I peeled out of the driveway, staying on the phone with Ainsley the whole way. I put the phone on speaker, though, to text some of my close 'business associates'. I told them where to meet me and why.

I pulled into the store, letting Ainsley know I had made it. I pulled up beside her car, got out, and approached her door. She opened it and wrapped her arms around me tight.

"Baby tell me what happened? I need to know." I pulled back and stroked her hair. "Wait! What happened to your shirt and bra?".

Ainsley recanted her whole ordeal to me, crying really hard when she told me he ripped her shirt and bra from her body then grabbed her breasts. I could hardly think straight, I was so pissed.  I held her close, walked her to my car, kissed her cheek as I closed the door. 

I called up my guys to see how far away they were. I told them everything, that he's still inside, and to not kill him right away because I wanted to talk to him. I told them her purse, keys, and the car was still here and to take care of it. I'm going to take her home and put her to bed, and then I'll meet up with you guys. They all agreed. 


I helped Ainsley into a hot bath, washed her hair and body. While washing her, I noticed the side of her face was swollen, and her lip was busted. I was very gentle around those areas. I got her out and into bed soon. She fell asleep quickly, but I was still very careful getting out of bed. I didn't want to wake her. I went to my safe, punched in the code on the keypad, and took out my gun and holster. I put it on then closed the safe back. Before leaving, I went to Ainsley and kissed her goodbye.

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