The Claim (Part 1)

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One kiss turned into a full on make-out session. Damian palmed my large breasts, causing me to moan into his mouth. I ran my hands down his back, squeezing his butt. I kissed his cheek and then his neck before giving his collarbone a lick. He pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached back and grabbed my hand, pulling me up to sit next to him.

"Did I do something?" I asked nervously. My womanhood was thoroughly soaked, hot, and ready for sex.

"No, my love, everything you did was perfect, but I have to talk to you about some things." He spoke.

"Alright, I'm listening." I adjusted myself and prepared to hear the news.

"My job, I'm in the mafia. I took over my dad's position when he passed two years ago. I buy and sell drugs, guns, among other bad things too. I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I'm telling you this because I care for you a great deal. I want to be honest with you, no lies. I'm not a good person. I've killed people. I've done many bad things, but I can promise you I would never, ever hurt you. I would always take care of you and make sure you were safe at any cost."

I sat there with my mouth agape, not knowing what to say. I couldn't believe it. He is so sweet and charming, and he's killed people.

"I think I need some time to think about things. I'd like to go to my room for a little while and maybe after dinner. We can talk. If that's okay?"

"Alright, I'll be here whenever you're ready." He kissed my hand once more before I left.


Marie cooked dinner. She cooked homemade lasagne and garlic bread. I hardly joined in any of the table talks. I just kept my head down and picked at my plate, and my silence was noticed.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Marie asked.

"Oh, Um, yes I am. I just, I mean, we had a run-in with my parents today. It didn't go so well, and I guess that's praying on my mind." I told her.

"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here for you. Hell, any one of us is here for you for anything you need, love." She replied.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate it," I spoke, wiping a stray tear from my cheek.

I didn't really lie. The problems with my folks still cloud my mind but are also largely accompanied by what Damian revealed earlier.

I looked up and made eye contact with him. His dark brown eyes sparkled, he gave me a little smile. I couldn't help but let a little grin spread too. I quickly looked away, stood up, excusing myself from the table. I washed my dishes and helped clean the kitchen before going into my room. I lay on my bed and thought hard about what I was going to say. I smelled his scent on the pillow, wishing I was still in his arms with his lips on mine. Then my mind was made up. I got up and went to my dresser, retrieved my red silk pajamas, and took a shower.

After the much-needed shower, I towel dried my hair, put on my pajamas, and made my way to his room.

I knocked softly.

Damian opened the door and smiled.

"Hello, sweetheart, come in."

He closed the door and turned.

"I've made my decision."

"Ok, what did you decide?"

"I want you."

I rushed in and threw my arms around him, and kissed him passionately. He held me tight and kissed me back.

"Please take me. Let's get into bed." I moaned.

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