Meeting The Family

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It was a quick drive to Marie's house. We went inside, and she showed me my room. It was bigger than the room I had at my parent's house, fully furnished too. I put down my purse and car keys and joined Marie in the living room for dinner. Marie's sister Sofia was absolutely lovely, a little outspoken aka loud but very nice, she bought pizza for everyone.

After dinner, I asked her where her son was. She told me he's almost always in his room when he's home. I asked what he does for work, and she replied, "oh well, a little of this and a little of that." I thought that was a little strange.

Marie took my hand and led me towards his room. She knocked on the door and quickly left, leaving me waiting in front of the door alone. The door opened, and out stepped a very handsome man a little older than me, maybe 28 or 29. He was tall, with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. He smiled and said, "hello." 

I nervously spoke up and said, "Hi, I'm your mom's friend from work. My name is Ainsley Sullivan. She said I could live here for a little while." 

He smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you, Ainsley. My name is Damian. My mom sure speaks highly of you. Feel free to stay as long as you need. Come and let me know if you need anything."

"Wow, thank you so much! I appreciate it. I....."

He reached out and touched my sore cheek and said, "A boyfriend?"

"Oh, no. My father." I spoke quietly.

He looked very sad for a moment and said, "Well, you'll be safe here, and I'm so sorry that happened to you."

"Thank you. I should probably turn in now. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

"Sure, goodnight, hon," Damian said, closing the door.

I walked into the bathroom, cleaned myself up for bed, and brushed my teeth using a wet washcloth. I thought, "man, I gotta try and get my things from my parent's house tomorrow." Once I finished ready for bed, I wrapped a towel around my body and left the bathroom. I took my clothes and put them in the washing machine on a quick wash. Next, I went into my room, ready to lay down, when I noticed I had no pillow. I thought about going to bed without one, but I needed to get a good sleep. After all, I had to potentially face my parents tomorrow, and I needed to move all my things. So I left my room and went to Damian's. I knocked on his door and waited.

He opened the door and looked shocked, "Oh, um, hi again." He giggled nervously.

"Hi, sorry, I put my clothes in the washer. I was fixing to go to bed, but I didn't have a pillow. Do you have an extra one? And maybe perhaps a shirt for me?"

"Oh, yeah, of course." He said. 

He left, disappearing into the room, then returned with a black t-shirt and boxers and pillow.

I took everything carefully, not letting my towel drop, and said, "Thank you so much, I appreciate it. Goodnight, again."

"Goodnight, Ainsley."


I closed the door when she left and laid back in my bed with thoughts of her. Damn, she's so beautiful, absolutely perfect. I reached down and felt my hard dick and rubbed it. I was picturing her in my mind, standing in my doorway with only a towel on. Her nipples were so hard they showed through the fabric. I'd love to suck them as she rode me. Damn, stop it! You just met her, and she's a sweet girl. But her ass, so fat, it shook as she walked away. I want to see it bouncing on my cock so bad. I kept thinking dirty thoughts about Ainsley till I shot all over my shirt. I took off the shirt, threw it in the laundry hamper then went to sleep.  


I laid in bed thinking about him smelling his cologne on the pillow and the shirt. It comforted me, and it felt like he was with me, holding me till I fell asleep.

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