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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)
Edit: Every paragraph is begun with a ¶ symbol, and any chapter without the symbol they usually begin with a -. I am updating these slowly but surely. Also; word counts!)
Word Count: 1,838

¶ I woke up staring at the ceiling. I couldn't tell if I was awake or not at first, but by the time the memories of last night hit me like a train, I realized just how conscious I was. Did that really happen? Could I really be certain that I witnessed what I did? That I'm actually in a house with a possessed doll?? I don't believe that anyone would be able to pull off a long prank like this on an intruder like me. At this point, they don't even treat me like an intruder. If anything, they treat me like a new roommate, A parental figure, anything other than unwelcome..
¶ When I entered Brahms' room, it was clean, spotless. Every mess that was made last night was reversed, the only thing that was in the room was a dead mouse in a rat trap sitting right in the middle. I grimace a little at the sight, confused as to why it had been there as I crouched down and removed it.
¶ "Alright.." I grumble, disturbed by the sight of it's head twisted backwards, black beady eyes looking back at me.
¶ I toss the dead mouse in the trash before I rise and I walk towards Brahms, waking him up with a soft voice. Everything moves as usual, I dress him, get him breakfast in which I eat this time around, and I begin studying one of the musical instruments in the music room. Every move I make is slow, calm and careful. I can't find a topic to talk about, feeling as if my questions would become annoying. So I just take care of him, teach him, all how I'm meant to.
¶ Today, I was quiet, careful, and that is how the day ended. I fell asleep in bed and woke up to find my door locked the next morning.
¶ I take a deep breath through my nose, the cold finally releasing me. I'd be done with this ailment by noon today probably, or the day after. I'm guessing that this clingy and worrisome spirit doesn't want me to leave, hence why my door is unmoving. My hand shifts the door knob, shaking the base of it harshly.
¶ "Brahms?" I ask outwardly. "The door's stuck. Hello?"
¶ Of course there's no response, so instead of standing around and waiting, I take a step back and stretch. I've been through a door before, having been captured by my recent pursuers and trapped. I know a thing or two.. I line my foot up to the door, right beside the door knob and I slam it through with all the force in my body. I stumble forward through the doorway and nearly collapse into the wall, my hands landing against it. Then I turn around, and I spot Brahms sitting up against the wall beside it.
¶ "Locking me in, huh? Doesn't seem like something a nice person would do." I straightened my back and felt the tension crawl up through my muscles. I reach back and press my palms into my body, trying to gain my stance back before I turn and reach for Brahms. "Let's get you dressed."

¶ My shoes are missing. Not that they were good shoes or anything, but I certainly didn't plan on leaving without something to cover my feet and shield me from the dangers of nature floor. I searched other rooms, only finding high heels in the parents bedroom, but all the masculine shoes that I'd pick out where gone. I couldn't leave in high heels, I'm not at all capable of rushing in those.
¶ "Brahms, I need my shoes." I say, turning around to look at him as he sat in the chair near by. I knew better than to leave him alone. "I have to leave this place, can't stick around in one spot for this long.. I've almost been here a week, six days to be exact. That's two times the time I planned on being here." Silence, and I groan in annoyance, dropping my arms before I continue explaining. "I have people that want me dead, alright? I'm not up for dying. Not right now at least. I need my shoes, or I need shoes that'll keep me moving. Do you want me to leave without shoes??"
¶ I jumped slightly as the light flickered above me. He was trying to scare me, he was upset. I could tell, but I never agreed to stay forever, and the only time I said I wouldn't leave was two nights ago. I made sure not to promise anything.
¶ "I'm not going to stay here, I already told you that. I don't think you're going to be able to understand no matter how much I explain it."
"No. Rule #2!"
Never leave Brahms alone. "I hate to break it to you, but I got myself in this mess by breaking the rules. If I gotta break them again to make sure I live, I'll do it."

¶ I walked towards the door and nearly pushed through, until a force pushed back, slamming the door closed on me. I look over at Brahms, staring st the doll for a moment before I push harder against the door. The force on the other side was so much stronger than I was, and I barely managed to open it an inch before the power on the other side forced it back.
¶ "Brahms, you need to understand." I say, stepping away from the door. "If I stay here, they'll find me, and they'll try to kill me. Do horrible things to me. I can't let that happen."
"They won't." He was sheepish and quiet on the other side of the door. "They won't find us. No one's ever found me.. We can hide together."
¶ Hide together.. Something about that seemed so sweet to me, oddly. But I didn't let the tone of his voice persuade me. But at this point I can't imagine talking to the kid would change anything. He's a ghost, alone and afraid, possessive. I hate to leave the ghost in their unending limbo by themselves, but I can't throw away my life for this.. As much as everyone I knew hated me now, I wanted to live for something and that something was them. I was going to find a way to win them back. I can't do that here.
"(Y/N)?" His voice croaked out, the youthful entity held the door tight still.
¶ "I'm here Brahms." I say. "I'm very disappointed with you right now." I turn around and walk slowly and quietly towards the window. "I thought that you would understand that I'm in danger. That I can't be here because.." I pause, realizing the window wasn't openable. Not even slightly. "I can't hide with you. They'll find me. I can't allow that."
¶ I walk around the room, finding the second window and trying that one. This one, stiff as it is, opens. Brahms was done talking, I could tell, and therefore I make my move. I step my socked foot outside the window and I land on the ledge. It was short, and barely protruding, but I manage to get outside. Tje cold bitter air bites my hard, making me shiver immediately. I wish I could've gotten warmer clothes, but I'm just thankful I was wearing a sweater and comfortable pants. I was going to grab a jacket after I found shoes.. I've gotta try to make it with what I've got.
¶ I follow the ledge, grabbing on tightly to whatever my hand touches. I was slowly, and the ledge was slick. There was a balcony in my reach, and I grab the railing tightly. My hand hates the freezing touch of cold metal, but I continue on regardless. I can hear something in the room I came from, and the sound caught me off guard. Not as much as the feeling of the metal railing giving out beneath my touch as I out my weight on it. I just barely caught myself, grabbing onto another ledge. However, my socked foot slid out from under me, and the last thing I saw before I plummeted off of the second story ledge was a split second sight of a silhouette poking it's body out the window I came from.

¶ I woke up in "my" bedroom, and I looked up at the ceiling. My head hurt something fierce, but not quiet as much as my body did. I look around and I spot Brahms sitting in the chair in the corner, and a tray of food sitting beside me. I can't help but frown. I fell, and I'd been dragged right back into this house.
¶ "Brahms?" I ask out loud, sitting up slowly, and I groan at the feeling of my back aching. The way I landed must've been horrid, and I wonder why I'm even still alive. "Fuck me."
¶ I throw the blanket off of my body and I notice the bandages wrapped around my shins. They weren't done well, but they were most certainly done tight. I drop my legs off of the bed and nearly lose my balance as I stand up. My legs hurt worst of all, cut up by twigs and sharp branches. I walk up to the door, and I turn the knob, only to find it's locked.
¶ He's not going to let me leave--
¶ I turn around as the doll seemed to have slopped over to the side, clear liquid pooling out from it's eyes. One of those eyes fell out of the socket and into the hollow head, and I shrug my shoulders a little. I take a deep shuddering breath in, before I slowly make my way to the doll and fall to my knees. I pick him back up and sit him upright, his eye rolling around in his head.
¶ "You want me to stay? Fine. I'll stay.. But when things goes down hill, you won't have anyone to blame but yourself."
¶ I can't tell if I'm lying or not. I'm too exhausted to even attempt leaving right now, in too much pain, and almost too invested into helping care for this boy. I might be lying given I put too much work into trying to leave this place, but honestly, would those people really find me? It's like the childish voice on the other side of the door said, no one's ever found him. No one but me. At least I think so.
¶ I sit on my bed with the doll, leaning him against the pillow in the middle, and he stares forward and off in the distance. I simply eat my meal, and I plan for what's ahead of me. What's in store for my future.. I don't have a clue where to start.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now