Brahms with an S/O who's a serial killer

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I dunno man I'm just thinking of random guacamole right now

•When the day came that you arrived to the Heelshire mansion, Brahms thought you were very interesting.
•You weren't caught off guard by him being a doll at all, as a matter of fact, you went with it easier than anyone he's ever seen.
•You treated the doll like a real child, took care of them and made sure that they were happy.
•Brahms was near damn jealous of his counterpart, but of course it wasn't hard to ignore that given he was living through it.
•It didn't take long for an obsession of you to arise.
•Then he starts taking your things.
I don't recall any of the other nannies taking knives with them?? And trash bags?? But here's some underpants I'll take those 💅
•Everything is going as normal, and the only thing particular about you is the phone call you make every now and then.
•But other than that, you're an amazing nanny for him, and he loves you!
•You follow all the rules to a T and you talk to him so kindly.
•The day arose however, when you invited someone to the house, beckoning them over with the promise of illegal substances and that no one could know.
•Brahms' heart breaks and he's livid
You were doing so good following the rules! What are you doing inviting guests over?!
•He sits back and watches, and after you put "him" to sleep, you're working on something else.
•He's watching you prep a room, getting it nice and neat before you start putting plastic all around it(Yes, it's Dexter's method but it's a damn good method).
•He's like 🤨
•Bitch what is you doin' to my kitchen?? ?  ???? ?
•Then the guest comes, and it goes all down hill from there.
•Brahms watches you knock them out, drag them to the kitchen, prep them up in one of the kitchen chairs, and you let them sit while you sharpen your tools.
•He is more than intrigued at this point.
•Brahms is waiting right along with you for them to wake up, and when they do he can't help but feel nervous
•What are you going to do? And why?
•Of course, if it's like you to explain yourself to your victim so that they have a final memory, but if not, Brahms is just as confused as them.
•Watching you kill them was brutal, however. (Not like Dexter this time around)
•You get bloody, you make them pay for whatever motive feeds you. Or maybe you just do it to get your rocks off, in the end it's only you who can decide that.
•Brahms is watching all the way throughout, but at some point he begins to falter, sitting down and covering his eyes.
•It's the childish part of him, yelling at him that he's not supposed to he watching this!
•This is by far the most unmannered thing he's seen smh
•When you're done, he's back up and watching you get rid of everything.
•You chop them up, put them into body bags and Brahms has no idea how you get them out of the house but they're gone by the time he looks away and then back
What the frick???
•But then you go to bed without a care in the world, the consequences are never to find you. He envies that
•The day comes when he finally reveals himself to you, coaxing you out with his child like voice and giving you a warning before he steps through the walls
•He would've never tried if it wasn't for the night he watched
•Of course, you not giving a damn are just like cool don't touch my things. I'm more capable of taking you down than you think.
•Man's is just like Mommy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry--
You two coexist so well, and at some point he's asking you questions about how you kill people.
•You piece together that you've been watched this entire time and you're just chillaxin' with it
•To be honest, it's quite comforting that it's not just s you secret anymore. That someone else knows, and he's clearly too afraid of anyone else in the world to tattle on you so
•A dream made in.. "heaven"
More like a dream made in hell--
•The next kill includes him being your sweet assistant, and he ran out of the room halfway through when you introduced him to a very brutal technique that he just couldn't handle
•Like burning the victim or something close to that--
•Brahms doesn't get to assist anymore, but definitely gets to watch if he do so prefers
•Brahms doesn't mind too much in the end, still loving you for you.
•He doesn't care what you do as a side job, or if you kill people in his house after bedtime hours.
•You're nice to him, and he's nice to you.. The only difference from you and a normal nanny is that he's scared of disobeying you rather than his previous nannies would be afraid of disobeying him
•Fuck man when he pisses you off and you give him that look you give your victims he goes from 💥 to 😶
•Mans would absolutely love emoji movie
•off topic
•You follow his rules and you are so, so sweet to him
•He reciprocates you, loving you as much as you love him.
•You open up everything to him in time, when you realize that you can trust him.
•Your motives, your reasons. Who you were before you held a knife. Everything, and he is so very happy that you're comfortable with him now
•He won't disobey your trust, ever!
•The one time he used your past against you in an argument(tantrum more like) was the last time, because you either:
A: Lose your shit on him and make him genuinely scared for himself, biting back harder than he ever could've imagined
B: You go quiet and stare at him before walking away, refusing to speak to him until something clicks and changes. This might be scarier for him, since he thinks you'll leave, or that you'll never talk to him again
C: Or you simply don't give a fuck because you are impossible to hurt, and you just make him feel really dumb
•Everything is usually peaceful, though, and you wouldn't have it any other way
•The only thing you would change is how angry he gets when you're coercing a victim sexually over the phone, but he gets to be mad at that he supposes
•But he knows it's all part of the job
•and he loves you :)

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