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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)
Warning: Bullying, self-harm indicated, as well as a character being offensive towards the LGBTQ, Eating Disorders, use of a date-rape drug, indicated child abuse(neglect), and explicitly explained physical abuse that results in death

-My head was pounding when I woke back up, shaking my head slow and opening my eyes. I was in a chair, my hands tied to my ankles and my ankles tied to the legs of the chair. It was odd, but I certainly couldn't move them. I lift my head as he turned around to look at me. Then I blink and catch on..
-"Hey!" Allen opens his arms and smiles down at me. "Good morning (Y/N)! You've slept a good six or so hours, means you got close enough to the right amount of sleep. I was planning on letting you wake for another couple of hours. But, I don't mind early. I was getting a little bored anyways."
-Allen reaches for a chair behind him and drags it forward to sit in front of me. I furrow my brows and I grimace just slightly. "What do you want?"
-"Straight to the point, I like it.. Lilly didn't have near enough cash for my hospital bills and I want revenge. I however, like you. Lilly talked a lot about your exciting life, not every detail of course but most."
-"Who's Lilly?"
-"Oh, right.. Loki. Y'know, the lesbian with the butch hair that saved your ass."
-I pause for a moment before I realize what Allen said about them. "What did you do to them?"
-"Well Lilly couldn't give me what I wanted so I knocked her out and buried her somewhere fun. I'm hoping that she's still alive in there, be funny. You know my ex-girlfriend Lucy was very scared of being buried alive, then I buried her alive and when I pulled her back out she looked so scared.. Also dead, very dead. Apparently there's only so much air in a box. Shame. But it was funny."
-"You think a lot of things are funny, huh?"
-"Oh yeah! I'm a comedy guy, my favorite movie is human centipede!" Allen smiles wide as he crosses his legs comfortably. "You know, I also think your dog kicking my ass was funny.. Then me going to the hospital for three days to recover from Lilly, you know how embarrassing it is to get your ass kicked by a girl?"
-"I don't think Loki's a girl."
-Allen rolls his eyes with a groan. "Whatever.. To the point. Let's get to the point. I want, to kill your dog, and maybe you if I'm bored. But if I do all that, then I'll have to get rid of your bodies. That's annoying!" Thankfully he doesn't know about the incinerator. "So, instead I wanna just kill him. But that's also annoying, so, I've got you to strike a deal with.. Ready to hear it?"
-"..Go for it."
-"Give me enough money for my hospital bills, plus that because I like money, and then I can let you both go without any repercussions! Only thing you lose is your money and your best friend Lilly, and I don't think you care too much about losing your best friends knowing your history."
-I feel an anger boil up, and I can't find words to say that wouldn't get me beaten at least. I clench my jaw, looking away from Allen for only a second before glaring at him. My eye contact is heavy, and Allen can't help but laugh.
-"Wow! You are angry huh? You look mad, are you mad? You wanna talk about it? Come on, say something. Make it mean, I wanna hear you mad!"
-"...I can do your offer." Allen's excited expression drops into boredom. "Let me get up, you can hold me captive all you want, and I can get the cash you need. How much?"
-"Ten Thousand dollars.. But if you can rake it up to 15k, your dog gets to live too."
-"Wait, wait! No, no.. I think I actually want 25k. I mean, it's not like you don't have enough right? You live in a manor like this. You should have enough I bet."
-Allen smiles, and then reaches behind himself with both hands. His right hand holds a gun, a revolver og some kind with a chamber that swivels, and a large hunting knife. My heart nearly jumped into my throat as he pressed the gun against my forehead, and I bite my cheek from the inside to keep anything back. Then the knife cuts through the binds around my hands and feet, and I am slow about standing up.
-Allen stands with me, and as I start walking, he follows me close. He's making sure I can feel the gun against me as we walk out of the room and further down the hall. I try to recall where Brahms keeps cash, and I imagine it's in his parents room--
-I choke when Allen grabs the diamond necklace around my neck and pulls me back, holding me in place. "Well, I bet this thing is a good 4k, huh? Cover up a good spot of your pay! Hows'about you take it off."
-".. I'm sure we have enough in cash-"
-"I wasn't asking was I?"
-I stand still for a moment before I reach around and I unhook the necklace around my neck. Then, he takes it out of my hand eagerly, and stuffs it in his pocket recklessly. "Since you wanted to be so touchy about it, you still owe me a whole 25k. Keep on moving."
-I clench my fists at my sides as I walk forward, and soon enough the door opens for me. I walk in and surf through a drawer, finding Brahms' safe, and then I put in his birthday(it's somewhere in November and the newspaper article says November 15th, so:), 1115. When it opens, I am surfing through hundreds, Allen watching me count them as I count them out loud. I make sure to be slow, too...
-"Fourteen-hundred," I continue on, reaching up to 14,700 dollars when I ran out of dollars to count. I swallow the lump in my throat as I open the next drawers and find nothing else.
-"...Run out of cash, huh?" Allen asked as I turned around and looked at him with a glare. If I could punch that ugly smug smile off of his face, I would. "Well, then I figure I should kill him first, and then you, huh?"
-"Let-Let me look around the room Allen, alright? Just, give me some time."
-"Alright, I feel nice today.. Lucky you."
-Ten minutes. Ten minutes of searching around the room for more cash and all I can claim up is 16k. I feel a sense of dread overcome me as I'm opening my own wallet. The perspiration is killing me, and I can't help the fear growing in my being.
-"This is just sad isn't it?"
-"J-Just give me a second--"
-"Nope." His free hand smacks the wallet out of my hand and the barrel is pressed against my forehead. My hands are shaking, and I can barely keep my composure. "I've got one last idea for you."
-I would go for tackling him if it wasn't for the fact his knife was back in his other hand again. There wasn't any winning to this. "Wh-What is it?"
-"I spotted that cute little schedule you got with your dog. I didn't see a kid anywhere, except for the creepy doll under your guys' bed.. But I know it's for him, right?"
-"What are you getting at?"
-"Well, I wanna be pampered! So, how about, one-hundred bucks per every hour hm? Give me the best treatment in the world. Give me breakfast, lunch.. You owe me 14,300 more, and if I do the math right.. 143 hours, and that makes.. Uh.."
-"Six days."
-"Yup! Smart, aren't you?.. Well, wanna take good care of your dear ol' Allen or do you wanna die?"
-I look up at him, my eyes focusing so hard my brain hurts. Then I nod, knowing that this next week is going to be hellish, but there isn't anything that I can do other than comply. He smiles, and he looks at the watch strapped around his wrist.
-"Well! It's time for Lunch."

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