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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)

-Of course, all good things can not last forever. I had to learn this multiple times in my life, and this time around is no different. It's been a week since the party, and yesterday Loki had come over. They handed me a news paper article at the door, and I looked over it as Loki stood there silently. I had told them about Greta and Malcolm, and it seems to me like they put in the effort to do some homework.
Greta Evans and Malcolm Cohan found dead in fatal car crash, two years ago. I put the pieces together, and I realize that the only reason why Brahms was never reported to the police was because all the witnesses passed away before they could get the word out.
-"Talk about luck, am I right?" Loki chuckles. "Brahms has got a couple four leaf clovers in his pocket or something, because if it weren't for drunk drivers, he'd be behind bars."
-"Yeah, yeah." I nod, looking over the newspaper before I look up at Loki. "Why did you bother looking for this? I mean, I was curious and I knew you were, but you've never put effort into something like this."
-Loki shrugs, looking past me at Brahms who came into the doorway. "You're lost puppy peeked my interest." Loki states simply. "Also wanted to make sure there wasn't anything he was lying to you about.. Seems like he is as honest as he is creepy."
-Brahms steps up behind me and looks down at the newspaper in my hands. Then he takes it, reading it over, and I could see the shock in his eyes rise and fall as he takes in all the information. Then he looks at me, in which I just nod.
-"Morbid, but I would say.. Good thing, I suppose." Brahms nods shortly but then looks away. I tilt my head to look at his face, and he catches on that I want to know what is in his mind.
-"...Is it bad I feel bad?" Brahms says, almost afraid to say it. "I wanted them dead, but I've been thinking about dead people for so long. I could've been leaving like you've made me leave."
-"It's alright Brahms." I reach up and I pat his shoulder. "How about you just rest easy knowing how lucky you are? I mean, seriously. You wouldn't be here right now if it didn't happen."
-"Well, if you wanna talk about morbid, (Y/N)'s got you beat." Loki snickers. "That's a lot of optimism for a couple of dead folk."
-"One of them stabbed Brahms and the other was the dumbest loser I ever heard of. I don't really care for trying to not speak ill of the dead."
-"Have you considered that Brahms was in the wrong in that situation?"
-"Well whether he was or not doesn't concern me. I know who's side I'm on, and I didn't know him then. I know him now, and everything he's done so far has been in the right."
-"So far. Even then I can't be sure that you're right when you say those things." Loki then looks up at Brahms and stares for a few seconds, before looking back at me. "Well, I'm not just here to talk about dead people. I'm also here because I gotta talk to you about Allen."
-"Yeah, lemme guess. He's gonna come here with a gun and hunt us down." I say, and Loki presses their lips together before they nod. "I've already been through that. Too bad this time though I'm not running from it."
-"I wouldn't think you would.. He'll be coming for me first though, so a heads up this time around is going to be nice for you."
-"Why would he be after you first?"
-"He knows where I live. Figured I should make sure you knew the tea.. Also came here to make sure you two were doing alright since the whole fuckery of incidents."
-"Yeah we're doing okay.. I think we're doing better, even." Loki raises their brows to have me elaborate. "Brahms isn't as scared of going out."
-"Huh. I figured after the party he would've been more afraid. Guess it made him more brave. Beating someone into a pancake will do that to ya."
-"(Y/N)." I look up at Brahms as he spoke, and I catch on.
-"Hey, Loki--"

-"Yeah I see it." Loki nods. "Started glaring at me since he looked at me.. Keep an eye out for Allen next time you take your dog on a walk."
-I watch as Loki turns around and walks away from the house, and with that I pull the front door closed and I look up at Brahms.
-"Y'know, you don't have to glare at them."
-"They like you. I don't want you to leave me."
-"Brahms, you know I'm not going to leave you. I proved that to you, didn't I?"
-"Doesn't mean you can't be taken, or you can't change your mind."
-"Fair enough, but you know it's not really nice.. Especially since they took a couple hits keeping Allen off of our backs. Just be a little nicer to Loki, alright? Besides, Loki isn't interested in anything or anybody, never have been."
-"Then why are they so adamant about you?"
-"Because Loki is a friend. If there are other reasons then I'd be surprised. Just be nicer, alright? I'm sure when you cool your jets, they'll wanna be friends with you too."
-Brahms looks down at the ground and then shrugs, before grumbling about how he'll be nice, although I have a feeling he won't be happy doing it. I smile regardless, and we carry on with the rest of our day as normal. We follow the schedule, time slipping by us without a care in the world. I fall asleep next to Brahms again, my arms wrapped tight around his body as he hugs me back tight.

-Today, certainly came too quick. Brahms and I went out to eat, by his request, and we went to a fancy restaurant for lunch. Brahms then dragged me along with him on a walk, until suddenly someone called him a freaky emo. He didn't understand the emo part, but calling him freaky was upsetting enough.
-"Brahms, it's alright! Y'know, if they call you mean names you don't have to care. It's not like you're ever going to see them again."
-He crossed his arms and sunk further into the shadows of the corner. We were behind a store, and it was quite dirty, but I wasn't too concerned about Brahms getting his prepped up suit vest dirty at all. I was more concerned about getting out of this part of town. Brahms however, had other plans, preferably sitting around and pouting on the ground about some loser.
-"You know he said some mean things, but in the end who cares what he thinks about you?"
-"If he's thinking it then everyone else is thinking it." Brahms brings his knees to his chest. "I am freaky! Even you were scared of me."
-"Yeah, key word were. I'm clearly not scared of you now, am I? No, that's because I know you, and you're not scary Brahms. Not unless you need to be.. Now get up, please? It'd be what a good boy would do."
-He sat there silently for a moment before putting his hands on the ground and getting up slowly. He leans forward and rests his body against mine silently, and I hug him, knowing he needs the comfort. My hand strokes his back light, and I feel his arms snake around me back.
-"It's alright Brahms, it's all okay. I don't think you're freaky, and really do you think the opinions of others matter?"
-"...No. Only yours." He sets the top of his head on top of mine, and I can't help but smile.
-Then there's a click and a flash, and we break hug to look around. Wherever it came from, it was gone, and I felt a pit grow in my stomach. I take Brahms' hand and I look up at him with a smile, hoping it'll calm him down as he was more likely to freak out than I was.
-"Let's go, alright? C'mon."

-I looked at my phone for a good couple of hours almost, following Brahms' schedule and annoying him whilst I did it. But I had been distracted, my eyes peering at Loki's last message since a few hours before Lunch.
-"Allen works at the pet shop downtown as his main lives close by to me. I know his car. Funny I see it outside my house now huh?"
-I responded to it, but Loki had never responded. Or at least they haven't yet, and I can imagine they're just busy. Loki spends a lot of their time getting s hold of their drugs, selling them, all of the above, and as horrible as those things are, Loki also spends their time volunteering as a helper at the rehabilitation center. Most of their clients end up going there eventually, so in the end I can't see Loki as too horrible. Especially as they've put in so much effort to keep me in their sights and protect me basically. Which is more effort than expected..
-"(Y/N)! Come on!!" Brahms wraps his arms around my body, pushing my phone away from my eyes and then places his head in my neck. I smile a little, listening to him complain some more: "Get off your phoooone, look at me."
-"I can't look at you if you're hiding in my neck."
-He rounds my body and faces the front of me, his maskless face giving me a good smile. I lean forward and I press a kiss to his lips, and he deepens it as soon as we connect. I break it shortly after, and all he does is whine at me, which I laugh at his desperation.
-"Calm love, I've still got to read us something.. We've got chapter five of that book you like, remember?"
-He nods, and he reaches for his mask and puts it on, and as I grab the book he grabs me and pulls me into the bed. Then his arms are around my body, tight around my midriff.
-I had a good five minutes into the chapter, and then there was a crash downstairs, causing Brahms to jump. He shot up quick, and I blinked up at him as he reached under the bed and grabbed the fire poker. He used it on Billy and Edgar as I remember, yet it catches me off guard that it was laying under the mattress. Then he gets up, rushing out of the room, and I slowly get out of the bed.
-"Brahms, hold up!" I yell out, and I stand up, leaving the room.
-He's much quicker than I am, and I couldn't spot him anywhere. I rush down the hall as I slowly wake myself back up, but just as I'm awake, I'm out cold, and everything goes black.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now