NSFW Alphabet

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Naughty naughty
Go to horny jail 😤
The headcanon is suitable for any gender

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)

-Brahms doesn't know shit about aftercare wot--
-He seems to learn from example, and at first he'd just pass out afterwards, but if you wish to do things for aftercare, he'd be up for doing it.
-You want a bath? Sure. Eat snacks?? It has to be tasty I ain't eating soup sis
-He slowly adapts to one kind of aftercare though, and that would be plenty of kisses and loving affection. Cuddles, and lots of words of affirmation. He likes being told he's handsome, and he wants you to learn from example as well

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

-He really likes your eyes, knowing they're the window to the soul. If he wasn't so uncertain about showing vulnerability in front of you, he'd look you straight into them the whole time.
-You can see so many things in someone's eyes, and he adores seeing yours
-Other than eyes, he loves your hands and hips. Your hands can do so many things to him, and they drive him nuts
-Your hips are the source of the pleasure, and he loves grabbing them if he can

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)

-Filthy filthy rat man
-He will do it anywhere
-For the most part he likes to keep it deep in, given that's where the most pleasure in. But if he has to pull out(or if he wasn't inside in the first place) he likes to have it anywhere on your torso
-He is certainly not clean about it
-But he is very embarrassed about doing it sometimes because of the whole being vulnerable thing

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

-It's barely a secret at all at this point, but--
-Voyeurism, auralism, anything that has to do with watching from the walls
-It all makes him feel so naughty and sometimes it makes it feel so much better
-He doesn't want you to know about these things though. But you eventually find out anyways
-It's either because you sounded out his name when you were alone treating yourself and he burst through the walls to take care of you himself, or because on the very rare chance he was too loud
-The man is as silent as a mouse going through those walls, you can say for certain that finding him through his breathing or some noises would be close to impossible

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)

-Brahms' experience comes from absolutely nothing but his hands.
-Lord knows that if he's done anything ever, it would've been under some bad circumstances, so we're going to excuse any of those chances
-He's got magazines, his hands, doll of you, and probably a toy
-Which was a very odd request for poor Malcolm to deliver when the time came

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)

-I would imagine a cowboy position would be a favorite of his, being able to look at you and have you either below or on top of him.
-His hands can go anywhere
-He also enjoys doggy style, being on his knees, top or bottom
-It's a comfortable position and he can usually get the best feelings from it.

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)

-Brahms doesn't see sex as anything to be goofy about, not at all
-He finds it very prominent to get the best out of this moment, and making jokes and acting aloof does not get that
-He can't be playing around while having this moment with you
-If you however are goofy about it, he'll either get a little upset or he will give up trying to be grown about it
-He matches your attitude as best he can, wanting to enjoy the situation and just be in the moment
-If you're enjoying yourself and he's feeling the pleasure of it as well, he doesn't mind

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