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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)

-"Brahms sweetie, c'mon!" My hands reach for Brahms as he stood at the open gates.
-I was outside the estate, lucky Brahms even let me try this after five days of grabbing me and holding my tight so that I couldn't. He'd wrap his arms around me tight from behind, telling me I couldn't leave as well as begging me to stay with him. Now, he's trusting me outside, wearing thinner winter clothes as the world around us was slowly becoming warmer. My hands outstretched for him, his stood on the other side of the gate with his hands holding one another.
-"You're not going to immediately decease as soon as you step outside the gate Brahms, c'mon."
-He shakes his head, his curls bouncing about as he did so, and he reached up to anxiously pull the winter hat down his head. I drop my arms, sighing as I look up at the house. It was like his entire life was in that place, and he was just so scared of the outside world.. I don't know how else to do this. He already knows all the history of the world, and I've already told him as much as I could about the modern world. It's not like I could make it sound any safer without lying to him, and Brahms was no fool.
-"Y'know Loki didn't know anything about you until I told them." I explain. "Loki doesn't go around talking about other people's business neither.. Loki hangs out with a bunch of secret keepers, and if we're going to a party then chances are they're not going to talk about you unless you throw a tantrum and break something."
-"I can't go to that party!"
-"Alright fine, we won't go to the party!" I stomp my foot, my efforts at this point didn't have anything to do with it. "Just come here Brahms, alright?"
-"I can't leave."
-"I can't move either! My feet are frozen to the ground over here and I can't come back!"
-"Don't joke like that it's stupid!"
-I can't help but laugh. "C'mon Brahms.. Don't be scared, don't you trust me?"
-"I do but I can't leave!"
-"You can! Who told you that you couldn't?"
-"Mummy and Daddy told me, that if I left the police would take me."
-"Your Mummy and Daddy are also the people who left you alone for two years."
-"They didn't leave me alone."
-I shake my head, letting out a sigh as I reach my hands out for him. "Your parents? Don't care anymore. You know who does care about you? Me. Alright? Come here." Brahms crosses his arms. "It's a wonderful world out here Brahms, do you not want to see it? The police have probably forgotten about you too. Y'know, sometimes kids who go missing one day never show back up, and we can pretend that's what happened, alright?"
-"We can pretend here."
-"Brahms, stop. Listen to me." ... "Are you listening to me?" He nods. "You are no one. You're a stranger. Just give it one shot, and you don't even have to go to the party."
-Brahms stares at me intently, and it felt like eternity of just staring. I didn't dare speak, knowing he was in a battle in his head, and slowly.. He takes a step forward. He acts like he's about to step into lava as he does it, his foot weak on the ground before he puts his foot down entirely. Then he's walking towards me, breathing a little heavy as he reaches over and grabs my hands tight. I can't stop the large smile on my face as he's looking down at me.
-"You did it!" I coo excitingly. "You did it Brahms, look! You're not home anymore!"
-He looks behind himself and then back around at the woods around us. "..I-I'm not home."
-"No!.. No you're not... Take a deep breath." He does so, and he lets it out shakily. Abruptly I let go of him and walk past, and he looks at me as I reach for the gates and pulled them closed. "Now we can go on that walk."
-"W-Walk, walk." I look at him as he fidgets with his clothes, looking down the road at the world before him. I reach and take a hand from him. "I trust you.. I trust you."
-"I know.. I promise to keep you safe, alright?" He looks down at me, and I give him a soft smile. "C'mon."

-We walked pretty far, his hand tight and snug in mine as his other is working hard to cover up the lower half of his face. The world was empty, out here in the woods, and I had been lucky this long, but as I saw a couple of bikers come from down the road, I can tell things were going to get chaotic if I didn't do something. I look at Brahms.
-"Those people are on bikes." I point out, and he looks over. He lets out a shrill gasp like he's looking at a giant humanoid monster with eight legs(on your ceiling). "Just stay calm, alright? Stay beside me and keep walking."
-"They don't care." Brahms looks down at me, nearly tripping over his legs as we keep walking.
-Then I look forward, and so does he. As the bikers get closer, the tension grows, but as soon as they roll past us, it drops immediately. A few steps after is when he stops, and I look up at him. He's just watching them, as if to make sure they're not gonna come back, and then he looks at me.
-"They ignored us." He mutters under his mask and I can't help but giggle at the way he says it.
-"We're not the center of the world Brahms, of course they ignored us." I look forward, pulling him along as we keep walking. "There are seven billion people on the planet, Brahms. There's more than just us. They don't come into existence just out of no where."
-"...B-But what if they stopped to talk to us?"
-"Then I'd talk to them, and you can just stand there looking deaf. Maybe we can teach you some sign language to trick people." He finally catches up to me, and he huddles close. I smile a little. "How about we circle around and start heading back home soon, alright? It's cold right now anyways, and today was good enough progress."
-He grumbles something inaudible, and I can tell he's just agreeing. But with this experience, I've come to realize that he's not used to being ignored. As soon as he's known of, all eyes are on him, even as a kid. He's the center of attention at every given moment that he's in, and he can't stand it otherwise, but he also couldn't stand it out here. It'd be my attention that he cares for.
-When we got home he rid himself of all his snow clothes and raced for the next room with the most heat, acting dramatic as he opened his shirt up over the heat vent. I snicker as I follow up behind him, being slower about it as I clear myself of my jacket and gloves.
-"Now was that scary Brahms?" I ask, and he looks at me.
-"Would you do it again?"
-He pauses, and then shrugs, looking away from me as he puts his hand down below to warm them up. "Maybe.. When it's warmer." He grumbles.
-I step up behind him and I wrap my arms around his body, and he jumped a little as I did so. Loki may be right about Brahms keeping me under a tight schedule and having me wrapped up in his finger, but what Loki fails to recognize that it's reciprocated. Brahms is more than willing to put his life in my hands, and I can prove time and time again that it'll be safe there. Which, this whole trust thing reminds me of one singular thing that Brahms had been keeping from me...

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now