The First Dance: Thor Odinson x Avenger!Reader

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"He probably doesn't even know I exist." YN scoffed as she folded her arms, leaning against a far wall.

"How could he not?" Tony scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You talk louder than he does, and that's a feat in itself."

"Tony!" The shorter woman shouted, smacking his arm roughly. "You aren't helping."

"Just go and talk to him, YN. It's New Years, let loose." YN huffed, locking eyes on the tall blonde man again. "He doesn't bite." Sighing, YN kicked off the wall, slinking behind where Steve and Sam were talking and making her way down the staircase,

"YN?" YN stopped, biting her lip as she turned toward the voice.

"Danny? Hey..." YN coughed, rubbing the back of her neck. "I didn't know Tony was inviting you..." The redhead trailed off, grimacing at her awkwardness.

"Well, he didn't directly." YN nodded, widening her eyes. "I'm here with Maria."

"Maria?" Danny nodded, smiling slightly. "And... you?" Danny nodded again, raising an eyebrow. "Well, good for you. Anyway, I better go."

"YN, wait. Can we talk?" Danny said, stepping closer to the woman that was rapidly growing uncomfortable.

"I really can't. I have somewhere to be-" Danny grabbed her arm and she frowned at it, trying to politely shift away. "Could you let go?"


"I think the lovely lady asked you to let go?" YN's cheeks grew bright red at the loud voice, her stomach fluttering. "So let go." Danny did as he was told, stepping back from YN and her new companion.

"Uh... sorry." YN nodded, not daring to look over her shoulder.

"YN, are you okay?" YN bit her lip, finally lifting her gaze to meet the eyes of Thor.

"Yeah... yes." YN cleared her throat, shaking her head. "I'm okay. Thank you for stepping in, but I had it handled."

"I didn't mean to overstep." YN shook her head rapidly, lifting her hands.

"No, no! You didn't. He's just some ex... thing that always got too touchy. But I know how to handle him, he's harmless really... Likes to pretend to be some big, tough agent but really, he's a bit of a clown that has two left feet and... I'm talking way too much aren't I?" Thor smiled, holding back a laugh.

"I quite enjoy listening to your mumbled nonsense." YN's mouth popped open, her cheeks growing even darker. "Shall we dance?" YN frowned, looking around the room.

"Uh, dance? What, here? Now?" YN questioned, her gaze landing back on curious blue eyes.

"Do you not wish to dance with me?" YN started to stutter, hating that she'd unintentionally hurt the Prince of Asguard's feelings. "Do not fret, YN. I am only joking." YN smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. "I do wish, however, that you Midguardians danced more."

YN smiled, looking to her feet. Her head shot back up as she had an idea. "Uh, we may not be able to dance in here..." Thor frowned, not getting the hint. Chuckling, YN grabbed Thor's wrist. "Follow me."

YN chuckled as the two stumbled out onto the balcony, the air too brisk to have anyone else out there. "We are going to dance on the balcony?" Thor mumbled, screwing up his face.

YN smiled, lifting her hands and placing it against Thor's cheek, closing her eyes. Thor gasped as their surroundings changed, the balcony of Stark Tower morphing into a large ballroom, the two Avengers the only occupants.

"I sometimes forget how powerful you are, YN." YN chuckled, reopening her eyes but keeping her hands pressed to Thor's cheek. "Do you have to keep your hand there for it to work?" YN shook her hand, slipping her hand down to his large neck.

"Just skin contact." YN whispered, blushing as she met Thor's bright blue eyes. Thor lifted his hand, grabbing YN's in his own and pulling her close. "What are you doing?" YN chuckled, lowering her head.

"Did we not come here to dance?" Thor asked, raising an eyebrow. YN bit her lip, trying to suppress her grin. YN released a slow breath and music started to drift through the air, making Thor smile brightly. "Perfect."

Pulling YN even closer, Thor spun the two around the dancefloor gracefully, quite literally sweeping YN off of her feet. As the music slowed, so did their pace. The quick and light movements turning slow and somber. YN rested her head against Thor's chest, listening to the God's heart beat under her ear.

"You are quite fascinating, YN." A blush coated YN's cheeks as the two swayed together. Thor stepped back slightly, making YN look up, gasping at the look in the taller man's eyes. "It is nearing midnight." YN nodded, flicking her eyes between his. "Would you like to return to Stark Tower and watch the fireworks?"

YN nodded, still not changing the scenery as Thor implied. "Do you feel it too?" Thor frowned, cocking his head. "Maybe not... Never mind, forget I said anything." YN forced a smile, trying to release her hand from Thor's.

The blonde man gripped tight, not letting her release him or their imaginary surroundings. "I feel it." He whispered, pulling her by her hand and leaning forward, pressing their mouths together. YN closed her eyes, forgetting about everything except for this moment with the man she'd dreamt about for weeks.

Due to her distracted state, YN dropped their cover, landing them back on Stark's balcony. Neither of the two noticed until a loud bang and a round of applause startled them apart. YN stumbled back at the sudden noise. Thor grabbed her, steadying her before she fell over.

Looking around them, YN blushed madly as the entire party stared at them through the window as they kissed in front of a show of fireworks. YN caught Tony's eyes, his smug smile and wink making YN glare at him.

"Would you like to find somewhere more private to talk, YN?" Thor smiled, placing a gentle hand on her waist.

"Sure, I'd love that." She responded, blushing as Thor intertwined their hands.

"Way to go, Point Break!" Tony shouted as they pushed through the crowd toward the exit.  

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