Cecilia, You're Breaking My Heart: Tony Stark x Reader

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This man.... gaaaah this man.... my iron man phase is returning....

"YN has been missing for sixteen days," Fury announced to the silent room, each occupant holding a solemn look on their face. "And we believe she's been taken by this man here."

"Carlos Blade?" Natasha scoffed quietly, an eyebrow raised high on her head. "What a pretentious name."

"Well, this pretentious douchebag has embezzled millions of dollar's worth of illicit drugs into the country, and has slipped from S.H.I.E.L.D's fingers whenever we get close enough to detain him." Everyone remained quiet as Fury continued. "Agent YN YLN was undercover in Boston as a supplier when her comms went silent. We haven't heard from her since."

A picture of YN was placed next to Carlos, the team leaning over to have a look at her. Tony's eyes widened, a gasp of shock leaving his mouth.

"You know her?" Steve asked, crossing his arms as he took in Tony's expression.

"Nope." Tony shook his head rapidly, forcing away a blush. He recalled nights lounging lazily next to a woman named Cecilia, which was now, very obviously, an alias. Shaking his head, Tony refocused, noting everyone moving away from the desk apart from Natasha, Steve and himself.

"You okay, Stark?" Natasha asked, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. "You're being weirdly silent."

"Peachy, Romanoff." Tony responded, clearing his throat and pulling at his collar. "My question is, why are S.H.I.E.L.D involved with taking down some mediocre drug cartel? Kind of below their paygrade, no?"

Steve opened his mouth quickly to say something but it soon snapped shut, his eyebrows furrowing on his face. "You don't think-"

"No, Rogers, I know." Tony interrupted, tutting quietly.

"Nick isn't telling the whole truth." Natasha agreed, a disappointed sigh leaving her plump lips. "Meaning we don't have the full story on this mission, nor about this... Agent YLN." Tony swallowed, turning his back to the group. "What aren't you telling us, Stark?"

Tony sighed, tilting his head back to stare at the ceiling, his mind racing with a way to say what he needed to, without revealing too much. "Four years ago, I was in Thailand, enjoying a little RNR, you know?" Natasha rolled her eyes as Steve stared unimpressed, making Tony clear his throat. "Anyway, I was approached by a long legged, tall glass of water, named Cecilia. We spent many a nights... together."

"What has this got to do with-"

"It was Agent YLN?" Tony nodded, Steve blinking in surprise. "File says she's been in Boston, undercover for five years, you couldn't have been mistaken?" Tony laughed, shaking his head as the other's shared a brief look. "Okay, so, say this Cecilia is Agent YLN-"

"It is."

"Okay, why would they not disclose her movements in her file? Why would she need to be in two places at once?" Tony rubbed the back of his neck, falling into a seat at the table. He picked up the file with a picture of YN, her hood pulled up over her head and her hands in her pockets. She was standing at an intersection, eyes focusing off to the side.

Tony cocked his head, squinting at the picture. The other two watched him curiously as he pulled the picture closer to his face, even going as far as taking off his glasses to get a better look. Finally, he tossed the picture toward Steve, crossing his arms as the super soldier picked it up.

"Notice anyone in the background?" Steve stared hard at the picture before his eyes shot to Tony.


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