Pranks of the Heart: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader

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YN wiggled her body as she moved around the compound kitchen, her headphones planted over her ears and her mouth moving to the lyrics.

Bucky walked through the door, his usual scowl painted over his face. He stopped short when his eyes landed on YN dancing around the island bench, using a spatula as a microphone as she sung loudly.

"I'm about to turn up the heat. I'm here for your entertainment." She sung, bopping her head as she lowered the spatula back to the bowl. Bucky leant against the door frame, watching YN with an amused smirk. "Oh, I bet you thought that I was soft and sweet. You thought an angel swept you off your feet." YN hummed, lifting the bowl and letting the batter pour from it and into a pan.

Bucky used the distraction to get closer, slipping around YN's body and leaning against the bench behind her, the smirk still firmly in place. YN continued to sing under her breath as she begun to turn, the smirk on Bucky's face quickly turning to a grin.

"I'm here for-" YN let out a scream, tossing the battered covered spatula right at Bucky's face. "What the fuck!"

"You what the fuck? What about me?" Bucky exclaimed, wiping cake mix off of his face.

"You're the one standing there like some sort of creeper!" YN shouted, ripping the headphones off of her head and putting the cake pan down. "What are you even doing here?"

"I live here?" YN crossed her arms, sending the brunette super soldier a deadpan look.

"Not here. Here. Like in this room, in my vicinity." Bucky rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Wanted a snack." YN swallowed, nodding her head as she grabbed the pan and bent over to slide the cake into the oven. YN stood to her feet, quickly spinning to catch Bucky looking away just as fast.

"Enjoy the view?" YN chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Of you? Gross." YN licked her lips covering a grin and shaking her head. "I'm just going to grab my snack and go."

"Don't let me stop you." Bucky eyed her, grabbing a banana from the counter and narrowing his eyes. "What?"

"What did you do?" YN blinked innocently, shrugging her shoulders. "Don't act so innocent, you still haven't got me back for putting itching powder in all your towels."

YN bit the inside of her cheek, stopping herself from releasing a smile. "Oh that? Please that was weeks ago, I'm over it." Bucky furrowed his brows, lifting the banana to his mouth to bit into it slowly. "Honestly, Bucky. We're even. Square. No more prank war. I swear."

Bucky sighed, finally shrugging it off as he stood up straight, binning the banana peel and moving toward the exit. "You have a bit of flour on your leg, by the way!" Bucky called out, waving his arm in the air as he left.

YN grinned, wiping her hand on her leg to rid it of the flour, her heart beating in anticipation of what was to come.


"How was your day, YN?" YN sighed, hanging her head over the arm of the chair, looking at Sam upside down.

"Boring." Steve chuckled, kicking her foot with his own from the other sofa. "Glad you two are back from your mission though. I thought I was going to go insane being stuck here with Vision."

"Why?" Sam laughed, sinking further into the arm chair.

"Everything is so literal." YN groaned, rubbing her eyes. "He's lovely, don't get me wrong. But I made a comment about Tony being Mother Theresa and he proceeded to give me fifty reasons Tony was in fact not Mother Theresa, the first being his name was Tony not Theresa."

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