Taking One for the Team: Bucky Barnes x Super!Reader

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"You think this is a good idea? Bucky has only just come round from the last mission we did together." YN asked Steve, pushing a cloth into the barrel of her gun.

"He should be fine, we agreed he would stay as far from you as possible." YN scoffed, rolling her eyes as Steve sent her a blank stare.

"As if!" She exclaimed, making Steve sigh. "He won't even let me microwave my own pasta, he's not going to let me go into a building filled with HYDRA agents, Cap." Steve shrugged, clipping his belt together as YN removed her shirt, pulling a thermal over her head.

"It's what he agreed to, and I trust him." Steve murmured, lifting his shield onto his back as YN pulled some thermal tights over her legs. "The minute he steps out of line, I'll pull him out."

Nodding, YN clipped her tactical belt on and tightened the backpack over her shoulders. "Roger that, Rogers." Steve rolled his eyes at the overused term, the laugh following YN's words painting a smile on his lips.

A few minutes later, they were all standing around a table in the briefing room, YN standing by her captain with her hands on her hips, blatantly ignoring the pair of blue eyes resting on her.

"Okay, YN is going in from below, she has enough oxygen for three hours, but the swim itself should only take half hour max." Everyone nodded, except for Bucky, who kept his scowl furrowed deep on his eyebrows.

"I'll make contact when I'm on the inside. Bucky, Cap and Barton, you'll take the outside agents; Sam and Tony will cover me as I set up the detonator." Steve stepped back as YN moved forward, circling an area on the map in front of them. "Once set up, we'll have three minutes to get out of the building, which should be heaps of time if each of us have a lift." YN nodded to Tony, who smirked and winked.

"Don't worry, princess, I'll catch you." YN stiffened, casting a slightly worried glance at her boyfriend, whom had turned his burning glare onto Tony.

"Great, so that's the plan, Stark has sorted the bomb, so we head off in five." Everyone quickly filtered from the room, leaving YN and Bucky in awkward silence.

"Okay, let me have it." YN sighed as Bucky moved closer, leaning against the table in front of her.

"I think this is a bad idea." YN groaned, tipping her head back. "You don't know for sure what you're walking into. You should let me-"

"No," YN stopped him, placing a hand on his chest. "Here's what we aren't going to do. You aren't going to sit there and tell me this is too dangerous for me. If you didn't notice, I've handled my fair share of shitty situations, much alike yourself, yet your safety is never questioned." Bucky sighed, lowering his gaze. "I'm a super soldier too, Buck. I have the power to do this, and the experience. Let me do this my way."

Bucky leaned forward, grabbing YN's hips and pulling her body against his. YN stared into his eyes, the two having a silent conversation. YN's gaze strengthened, not backing down as Bucky groaned.

"Fine, fine." He sighed, his head falling forward to rest against YN's chest. "If anything happens to you-"

"It won't. I promise." YN responded, pressing a kiss to Bucky's hair. "I love you, bear."

"I love you, angel."

Three hours later...

"Status report, YN?" YN grunted, pulling herself up and out of the water. She looked up, grinning to herself when she finally found the manhole.

"I'm here," YN pressed her finger to her ear, confirming her position. "Hold five while I get in." Hoisting herself up onto the ladder, YN dragged her waterlogged body upward, until she found a ledge to take a breather. "Damn, this ladder is long." She muttered, earning a breathy laugh in her ear from Steve.

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