I Got Over You: Bucky Barnes x Reader / Surprise x Reader

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YN groaned as she stared at the screen of her computer, unable to digest the words on the screen at all. She checked the time for the tenth time in the last five minutes, getting more antsy as it grew later and the rain outside got heavier.

She shook her head, trying to clear the fog from her brain so she could focus on her work. Tony needed this report in tomorrow morning and it was only YN's second week as his assistant, she couldn't mess it up already.

YN's head shot up as the door opened, a somber Bucky walking through the door. YN smiled brightly, relief flooding into her system. "Hey, baby! I was getting worried what with the weather and all. I hope you didn't get too wet?"

"I'm fine." YN frowned at Bucky's tone, her smile dropping from her lips. "Can we talk?" YN nodded, her stomach curling.

"Sure, what about?" She said, getting up and sitting next to Bucky on the sofa. The two of them were silent for a long while before YN cleared her throat. "Bucky, baby you're scaring me."

"I-" Bucky cleared his throat, grimacing slightly. "I... We..."

"Buck, just spit it out. It's okay." YN insisted, resting her hand on his arm.

"I don't want to be with you anymore... I don't love you anymore, YN." YN's face slacked, her hand slipping from its perch on Bucky's forearm.

"What?" She whispered, her heart sinking in her chest. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, YN. I can't be with you if I don't love you, it's not fair on either of us." YN swallowed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"You don't mean that. Bucky, you told me you loved me last night. We- we had sex last night and you told me you loved me. How did it change so quickly?" Bucky winced, looking to his lap. "No." YN shook her head, getting to her feet. "No. Don't, please."

"YN, please. Sit down, we can talk about this." YN shook her head rapidly, her breathing coming in panic spurts.

"No, no, no." YN chanted, rubbing her eyes. "You told me you loved me not even 12 hours ago, Bucky I-" YN gasped as she realized. "You lied?" She whimpered, hot tears making tracks over her cheeks. "You fucked me, told me you loved me, and you were lying? You're sick." Bucky grimaced, getting to his own feet.


"No! I spend all night waiting for you to come home, I get a good job to support you while you were healing. I never pressured you to get a job, I let you live here rent free. I love you unconditionally, Bucky. And you fucking lie to me about- about fucking loving me?" YN sobbed, bringing her hand up to her mouth. "You're my everything, Bucky! I did... I do everything for you!"

Bucky bit his lip, trying to swallow over a lump. "YN, please. I can't help how I feel."

"How long?" YN sobbed, clenching her fists. "How long have you felt like this?" Bucky looked to his feet, his cheeks paling. "Tell me, Bucky. Or I swear to God."

"Three months." He whispered, wincing as YN let out a dry laugh, more tears spilling over her cheeks.

"Wow." She whispered. "Fucking, wow. Three months." YN walked over to a dresser, picking up a picture of the two of them. "Four years." She murmured, her throat closing over. "Four years, and for what? Fucking nothing because I'm not what you want."


"Get the fuck out."

"YN, please-"

"Get the fuck out!" She screamed, hurtling the photo frame to the floor. "All you're doing is making things worse." She cried, sinking to her knees in the glass. "You ruined everything."

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