Mr. Perfectly Fine: Tony Stark x Reader / Surprise x Reader

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"YN!" YN jumped at the exclamation of her name, her gaze ripping from where they were aimed. "Are you okay? Damn, I was calling you for like five hours." YN rolled her eyes at Clint's dramatics, slipping lower in her seat.

"What do you want?" She muttered, lifting a hand to bite at her nails.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get some food? The compounds dead." Clint asked, narrowing his eyes at his best friend. "Or you can go back to glaring at the picture of Tony for the rest of the day." YN flinched as Clint spoke, lowering her gaze in embarrassment. Noticing the drop in her mood, Clint sighed, placing a hand on the smaller woman's shoulder. "Come on, we'll go get some grub, my treat."

The two friends left the compound in silence, the younger woman emersed in deep thought about the last few months. It had been hell for the Avengers, each of them in a constant battle against the public, trying to win back some of their trust after what had happened between their leaders.

YN had been caught in the middle of their war, wanting to believe Tony was doing the right thing with the Accords, but not agreeing with any of their terms. After a very public battle between Tony and Steve, YN had managed to sway them into an agreement. Although, she was unable to stop the berating of the public, their reputation stained with chaotic slander.

"I assume from the death glare you were sporting earlier, Tony still hasn't forgiven you?" YN blinked, trying to stop the wince that overtook her features. "Guess not." Clint added, sighing sadly.

"He sashays around that tower like it doesn't even affect him." YN murmured, picking at the food in front of her. "Like the years we had together meant nothing." YN leant back in her seat, appetite diminished. "He seems perfectly fine, while I'm a mess."

"You know that's all a front, right? There is no way not being with you hasn't crushed him." Clint tried, placing a hand over YN's. "He puts on a good show, but I can guarantee he's hurting just as bad as you are."

"Tell that to the way he turns a blind eye whenever I try to reach out and apologize. Or when he turns around just in time to avoid seeing me crumble into a pit whenever I see him waltz away with a smirk." YN muttered, wiping her eyes before a tear could escape. "I'm sick of being heartbroken over a man that seems like he could care less."

Clint watched YN pick at a thread in her shirt, her mouth falling into a pitiful pout. Finishing off his drink, he got to his feet, sticking a hand out for her to grab. "Come on, we're going to do something fun."

"Fun?" YN raised her eyebrows, looking thoroughly unimpressed.

"Yes," Clint nodded. "Fun. You know, something that puts anything other than a pathetic frown on your face." YN rolled her eyes, still not moving from her slouched position in the diner's booth. "Whatever you want to do."

An hour later...

"This isn't really what I had in mind, but I'm glad to see a resemblance of a smile on your face." Clint huffed, bending at the waist as he, yet again, lost another sparring match to the smaller woman. "When did you get so agile?"

YN chuckled, the sound like music to the archer's ears. "A lot of free time lately." YN shrugged, lifting her hands defensively. "Let's go again. You're on offense."

Rolling his eyes, Clint came at the woman as she blocked his attacks, a laugh sprouting from her mouth as Clint got the one up, lifting her over his shoulder in victory. YN continued to giggle as the fell to the floor, the young woman's hair falling around the pair like a curtain.

Clint smiled, staring up into YN's crinkled eyes with pride, happy he could bring some joy to the usually grumpy woman. "I win." He whispered, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"I believe I'm the one sitting on you," YN smirked, leaning back despite herself. "Therefore, that contradicts your theory." Clint huffed, placing his hands on her waist and making her look at them, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

"Whatever you say, YLN-"

The door of the compound's gym opened and a throat was cleared, catching the pair's attention. Standing there, in a well pressed suit was Tony, a typical nasty smirk adorning his features. He eyed the two on the sparring mat, dragging his gaze up and down their compromising position.

"Typical." He muttered under his breath, making Clint frown in disbelief and a spark of anger to glow in YN's eye.

She was on her feet in a matter of seconds, glaring at the man who walked towards the gym equipment. "What did you just say?" She retorted, causing Clint to purse his lips in anticipation.

"I said, typical." Tony remarked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow defiantly.

"And what does that mean?" YN countered.

"I guess, YN, what it means is that this is so typical of you. Wallowing around, begging for some attention from me, which I won't give you, so you settle for something else." YN scoffed, in complete disbelief that Tony would not only think that of her, but also disregard her relationship with Clint so easily.

"Oh, because your so much more mature, aren't you?" YN laughed, causing Tony to bite back a smirk. "Galivanting around in your expensive suits, making sure everyone knows how much better you are. You're so smug and conceited that you missed what was really happening all along. I loved you, Tony. And you used that to your advantage after what happened in Germany." YN forced herself to swallow down the lump of emotions that crawled up her throat. The more YN spoke, the more Tony's façade dropped, his smirk falling into a frown. Something different was happening to the other man watching the scene, his frown turning into a smirk of approval.

"YN-" YN shook her head at the brunette, causing him to drop his head.

"No, I'm done begging for your forgiveness and I'm done wasting my time on you." YN turned, grabbing Clint's hand. "Come on, let's continue our fun somewhere else. The air stinks in here." YN dragged Clint by his hand past Tony who glared at their conjoined hands. "Goodbye Tony. Enjoy being perfectly fine, alone."

Clint followed the raging woman as she stormed from the gym and toward the private loft they shared, having been best friends for years. They stayed silent in the elevator, their hands separating but staying within a hairs distance.

Once they were in the kitchen, glasses of water in their hands, the air got stuffy with discomfort, causing Clint to clear his throat.

"So..." He winced as YN turned to him, a blank stare meeting his. "That was a lot." Nodding the woman, leaned back on her hands, perched on the edge of the counter. "Are you okay?"

"Better than okay." She smiled, shocking the archer with how upbeat she was. "That took a massive weight from my shoulders." Clint nodded, setting his glass down and leaning next to the woman on the counter. "Um, about earlier... what Tony said... You know that's not true right? I would never ever use you like that."

"I know, YN-"

"Do you? Because I love you, like a lot." YN whispered, the words she'd said a million times possibly meaning something different now. "And... and I want to try... being something more to you, but I don't think now is the right time and-" YN paused as Clint pressed his palm to her cheek, her eyes fluttering up to meet his startling blue gaze.

"No pressure, no rush. I'm here for you, in whatever way you need." YN nodded, tipping her head forward to rest on his chest. "And I love you too, like a lot." He whispered, kissing the top of YN's head as she chuckled softly.  

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