Accidentally in Love: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader

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YN shuffled through the compound, trying to roll the discomfort of a long week from her shoulders. Her eyelids drooped over her eyes, threatening to let her fall into unconsciousness any second. Sighing in relief as she located the female locker rooms, YN practically fell through the door, wanting to get out of her tactical gear and crawl back to her bedroom to sleep for the rest of the weekend.

Not realizing her mistake, YN started to peel off her thermal shirt, wincing as her muscles shook in protest. She had her shirt basically the whole way off when she heard someone clear their throat. YN jumped at the deep noise, not expecting such a noise in the female rooms.

Spinning, YN's eyes widened as they connected with bright blue, her mouth falling open as they drifted down over an exposed chest, a very manly chest. Her mouth started to move, opening and shutting as she tried to apologize for intruding, yet no words came out, making the brunette man raise an eyebrow.

"YN?" YN finally snapped back to herself, her arms coming up to cover her bare torso, the small bra doing nothing to hide the blush that crawled up her chest and onto her cheeks. "Didn't expect you to be a Peeping Tom." Bucky chuckled, shaking his head.

"What? No, no, no." YN stuttered, taking a few steps backward. "I'm not... I, shit, I'm sorry, I'll go." YN turned, holding her shirt to her chest as she walked back toward the door.

"Wait." Her feet immediately stopped as she heard his footsteps inch forward, her heart beating erratically in her chest. "That will probably need stitches." YN blinked, twisting her body to peek over to her back, where a large gash was weeping, the pain only just registering in her brain.

"Yeah, I'll head up to the infirmary when I've changed." YN grumbled, realizing it'd be another few hours before she got her desired sleep. "Thanks for letting me know."

"I'll stitch it for you, it doesn't look like it needs many." Bucky said nonchalantly, moving toward the locker with a first aid kit inside. "Sit down." YN blinked, trying to find any excuse as to why staying in the small locker room with Bucky was a bad idea, but by the time she could think of anything worth saying, Bucky had already opened the kit and was sat staring at her expectantly.

"Uh, yeah, okay." She whispered, sitting down a foot or so from Bucky who sighed, cocking his head. Realizing she'd have to move closer, YN cleared her throat, moving so the her back was a few inches from Bucky's chest. She closed her eyes as she felt Bucky's large hands rest on her spine, goosebumps instantly covering the surface of her skin.

"Tough mission?" YN nodded softly, her face screwing up as Bucky started to stitch the wound together. "You get what you needed?"

"I suppose so," Bucky pressed his lips together to cover a laugh at YN's tired voice. "I worked recon." Bucky nodded, finishing up the stitch and moving to grab a gauze. "Thank you, for doing this." YN murmured, her head dropping forward as Bucky laid the gauze over the wound, patting the edges down with light touches that nearly made YN keen.

"I can tell you're exhausted; it means you can get to bed quicker." YN nodded, turning back around to meet Bucky's blue gaze. "All done." He whispered, licking his lips. YN watched the action with a dazed look, her exhaustion making her more transparent. Bucky chuckled, lifting a hand to brush a loose piece of hair from YN's face.

The two had been dancing around each other since they'd met, each equally as attracted to the other, but either too shy or too caught up in their own problems to act on anything. It didn't stop the flirting, or the obvious desire thought.

YN's gaze dropped to Bucky's hands as they pulled back to his lap, her blinking eyes zeroing in on the scars over his arms. Her own fingers stretched out, landing on the surface of Bucky's pale skin softly. The super soldier held his breath as he watched YN's face, set in a dazed look of curiosity as she traced the white lines.

"How did you get this one?" YN mumbled, not catching Bucky suck in a breath of nerves.

"1951, the Korean War." Bucky whispered, turning his palm over to show YN the inside of his forearm. "This one was from a stint in Italy in the eighties, got into it with some guy the Soviet's were after." YN rang her finger over the long line, pulling her lip between her teeth.

"And this one?" YN breathed, ghosting her fingers over a pink scar. Bucky chuckled, shocking YN by intertwining their fingers. YN raised her gaze, locking eyes with Bucky who smiled softly at her.

"Got into a fight with a toaster." YN pressed her lips together, her cheeks filling as she fought a chuckle. Shaking her head, she looked away as her shoulders shook lightly. "What about this one?" Her head turned back to Bucky as he let her hand go reluctantly, lifting his fingers to trace a long scar that lined her collar bone.

"2011, I was undercover with Nat in Europe, mission went sideways." YN shrugged, licking her lips. "I got this saving a thirteen-year-old girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Bucky felt his heart fill with affection as YN looked down bashfully.

"And this?" His fingers travelled down her torso, the woman holding her breath as the small hairs on her skin lifted at the touch. YN looked down to where Bucky's hands hovered over the right side of her abdomen, her lips tilting in a humorous smile.

"The one time I actually thought I was going to die." YN chuckled, meeting Bucky's curious and slightly hesitant gaze. She leaned forward as if she was going to tell the brunette a life changing secret. "Appendicitis." She giggled as Bucky rolled his eyes, huffing out a small laugh.

The two fell into a comfortable silence, as Bucky watched YN blink down at her fingers tiredly. "Let me walk you back to your room."

YN shook her head slowly, getting to her feet with a small grimace. "You've done enough, honestly-"

"I can't bear the thought of you trudging back up there by yourself. In this state, you'll pass out before you make it to the door." YN sighed, nodding softly as she waited for Bucky to slip on his shirt. "I'll wait while you change." He murmured, leaning against a wall as YN slipped into the change rooms, the women's one this time.

Showered and dressed, YN stepped back into the hall, the color having returned to her cheeks after the warm shower. Bucky took in her appearance slyly, her small body wrapped in warm clothing, her hands pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over them tightly. He smiled as he moved slightly closer, the back of his hand brushing against hers and making both of them blush.

They walked through the halls of the compound in silence, nodding to their friends as they passed. Getting closer to her room, YN nearly felt disappointed at the thought of their time together ending. She slowed down as they came to the front of her room, her shoulder leaning against the wall as she smiled up at the brunette super soldier.

"Well, this is me." She whispered, licking her lips, watching Bucky watch her. Bucky nodded, he too leaning against the wall on the other side of her door, dragging his eyes over YN's face, watching her cheeks flush a bright red at the attention.

YN chuckled softly, as she started to stand, but before she could get far, Bucky was in front of her, caging her in his arms against the wall. YN stared up at him in anticipation, nearly moaning as he used his flesh hand to brush hair from her face, dragging a finger down her cheek before pressing his palm against it, encasing the side of her face in his hand.

"I'm going to kiss you now." He whispered, waiting for YN nod before leaning down to capture YN's lips in a blissful, soft touch that had YN arching off the wall, her hands flat against the tall man's chest. The kiss was brief, soft and gentle, and YN felt as though Bucky was holding back for the sake of her sanity, to which she was grateful.

The two parted, resting their foreheads together as they kept their eyes closed. "I've been waiting for that." YN murmured, smiling as Bucky chuckled lightly, finally opening their eyes to stare into the others. "Want to come in?" Bucky paused, giving YN a chance to simmer in self-doubt. "I mean, not for... anything... ya' know. I mean I'll probably go to sleep, but we could watch a movie or... or talk."

Bucky stopped her rambling by pressing their mouths together again, YN whimpering under her breath at the contact. "Sure, YN, I'd love to come in." YN nodded, grinning as she stared at Bucky through her lashes, her cheeks warming as he smiled back.  

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