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It's been a couple of weeks since I found out that there's a traitor among my men, and when I find this person I'll make sure to make a living example out of him. I'll send a warning not only to my men but to the rest of the underworld gangs and wanna be mafia kings that there's only one MAFIA KING and that's me Anwar Muhammad and am not a force to be reckon with.

"Sir, they're waiting for you" my train of thoughts is interrupted by one of my men, standing up from where I was sitting and buttoning up my suit "are they all present?" I ask him as I move from my office and opening the door heading to the long corridor with creamy white walls, looking down on the floor which is covered with greyish concrete. "Yes, sir" the man answers back "and is Ayaan inside his room and are guards positioned on his door?" I add another question and this one is an important one because it concerns the safety of my son, the apple of my eye. His safety is important especially today when am meeting the most dangerous men to have ever walked on earth in my home. "Yes, Sir the guards are positioned in front of his door but also Sir, Islam is playing video game with him inside his room" upon hearing that Islam is with my son am able to relax a bit because I know that my son is in safe hands of one of my best friends and if there's anyone that can protect my kid with their lives then it's Islam and Bilal.

Standing in front of the conference door situated at the end of the corridor, before reaching out to twist the door knob, I turn to the man and this time and take him in, he's tall about 6ft5, compare to my 7ft he's a bit short but to other's he might be considered a giant. He's got a two-piece black suit just like all my men but what is hypnotizing about him is his hazel eyes. "what your name?" I ask him, still keeping my eyes on him, I can see he's got a scar on his forehead. Long straight nose, high sharp cheek bones and full pink lips and a square jaw. "my name is, Tariq Abdul-Ali Sir," he answers back.

"well Tariq make sure no one leaves this room and if they try to then shoot them on the spot." I instruct him as I turn the knob and enter inside the conference room, making all heads of all the people inside it turn to look at me. I head straight to my chair that's at the head of the table my body conveying confidence, authority and intimidation.

After sitting down I look at the face of the men present one after another, among these men "Hamad, why did you call here today?" the question cuts through the silence making me turn to none other than the leader of the Italian Mafia. All people outside my family address me with my surname, "aaahh...Giovanni, I can see that for once you heed my call" I say as I look straight into his dark orbs. "it's always good see you Giovanni, and to answer your question is you all are here as there's someone amongst you that had dared to attack me in my own home and what angers me the most is that said person specifically targeted my son" I speak my voice full of anger and authority at the same time roaming my eyes to every man present trying to gauge their reaction and reading their body language.

"what|, you were attack how come we're only hearing about it right now?" a shocked voice of Vladimir spoke out making all heads turn to him. Some of the men agreed with the question posed by the leader of the Russian mafia. "are you seriously suspecting that it's one of us?" an exclaiming voice of Giovanni asks. I didn't answer them as I kept my cool and starring at them. "Hamad, we would never betray you, sure we have our differences but it doesn't mean that we would break the underworld code of hurting a mafia leader's family. Not any kind of mafia leader but you, Our King". Xavier the leader of the British Mafia speaks up.

"I also thought that you all would never have betrayed me but...." I wasn't able to finish my sentence as one of my men interrupts me "Sir, we've got the traitor".

"Well gentlemen thank you all for agreeing to set up this fake meeting with me and for helping me capture the mole" I say to the men that had been in the conference. "you know, Hamad it was our pleasure and please make him bleed for breaking the very code that we've sworn with our blood to follow" Vladimir speaks up.

It's true this whole thing was set up, designed to capture the person that dared to betray me and in order to capture him, I had to hatch up a plan that involved these dangerous men and I know that they'll never betray me no matter what. After all we're all allies.

"well.... I guess that's our cue to leave, it was nice meeting you again Hamad" Xavier speaks as he stands up and heads for the door to leave making other mafia leaders stand up and leave.

"who was it?", I ask my man who barged in, with the good news. "it was your wife, Sir" he answers making me ball my fist out of anger. "is she in the dungeons?" how come am not surprised that it was that vile woman. "Yes, sir she's down there along with Mr., Islam and Bilal" he answers back.

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