Chapter 17 (windwaker)

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A few days later

Cinder was woken by the smell of smoke as she looks around seen everything on fire as she gets up looking for ganondorf as had gotten ghirahim as he grabs her putting them over his shoulders as he teleports down to the gerudo desert in the gerudo castle to get to safety and not been burnt alive

In the gerudo castle

Ganondorf sets cinder and ghirahim down as she coughs a bit as it was from the smoke as ghirahim clears the ash out of his hair while cinder says that was interesting been woken up in a fire ganondorf replies well that's not my fault it was valoo fault and they also sent him beacuse of what sombra did and what I did as well  cinder looks at him as sombra takes over as he says well how else was I supposed to get back to your fortress ganondorf says shoving sombra that wasn't my fault that was the helmarock Kings fault sombra growls and shoves ganondorf back as ghirahim gets between them as ghirahim says to both of them as ghirahim was getting pissed stop it you both keep fighting just beacuse you ganondorf hate sombra makes it like you hate cinder as well because cinder is still in there even if there is a shadow king protecting her from danger and he is probably protecting her more then you have ganondorf thinks to himself and sighs feeling bad as he dose try to protect cinder but sombra was always there as sombra sighs knowing that ganondorf has tried to protect her but he had always been there since he is stuck with her as ghirahim says to them now take time apart and cool down I don't want to do anymore stitches from axes or swords or scythe wounds now go before I lose my mind with both of you fighting all the time ganondorf nodes and walks off as sombra nodes going in the opposite direction as ghirahim sighs and says to himself what am I going to do with these two ghirahim sighs and gose off somewhere

A few hours later

Cinder was back to normal as she was sitting on the roof of the gerudo castle looking towards the gerudo desert As she sighs to herself as sombra spirit sits next to her as he says you know if I were to die again I would become something else cinder nodes as ganondorf comes up behind her as sombra stands and left to let cinder and ganondorf be alone As ganondorf sits next to her and she says to him Im sorry about sombra he is just so angry and very protective Ganondorf nodes understanding and says it's understandable dying once before and was aloud to come back as a split personality cinder nodes as ganondorf puts an arm around her keeping her close as she snuggles into him a bit and sighs while she thinks for a bit

A few hours later

In ganondorf room

Cinder was on his bed watching him as he was looking for something through his crowns as he found one matching his just it's black with a red gem as he puts it on her while she watches as he says to her be mine we can make it work I know we can make it work the gerudo when they were alive loved you even though you where different and if the Hyruliens don't like you I'll torture them for you cinder thinks as he puts the crown on her as she says blushing a bit well of your so sure it we can make it work of course I will be yours ganondorf grins at this and kisses her passionately happy at her choice while she puts her arms around his neck as she kisses back passionately as he breaks the kiss and says to her I will protect you forever like sombra dose cinder smirks a bit and says I know you will she nuzzles him while he strokes her hair sitting on the bed with her in his lap as when he strokes her hair she nuzzles into him more

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