Chapter 3

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3 days later...

Wang Mansion

09:33 am ( morning )

Waking up in the morning as the sunlight hit his eyes, making him cover them with his hand. He sat up straight on his bed yawning and rubbed his face.

He got off from his bed and headed to washroom. After taking a quick shower, he went down and took a seat on dinning table. Minutes later, his butler came.

"Master, what would you like to have for breakfast?" Burtler asked politely, whil bowing his head

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"Master, what would you like to have for breakfast?" Burtler asked politely, whil bowing his head.

"Anything Mr. Han...." Yibo said as he was scrolling through his phone. The butler was about to go but....

"Aa....Mr. Han , don't make lunch for me today as i will be out today." Yibo said. Mr. Han noded his head and left for kitchen.

After having his breakfast, Yibo  went to his house garden that was on the left side of the house

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After having his breakfast, Yibo  went to his house garden that was on the left side of the house. His garden which is filled with different types flowers. He took some deep fresh air that went straight to his lungs. Making him feel relax and stressfree. After walking for 10 minutes and having fresh air in the garden, he went inside. Yibo went to his room and watch some movie on netflix. Finishing the movie he took a nap to pass the time. Waking up, he went to washroom and changed his dress as it was already afternoon and Hao Xuan will be here any minute.

The door bell rang and his butler open the door. Hao Xuan came in and went to living room as he knew Yibo must be waiting for him there.

"Yo man!. Ready to go?" Hao Xuan said while standing in front of him.

Yibo also got up and nod his head. He grab his car key, wallet and his mobile and they both left for their journey.

Through the whole journey Yibo was talking less, mostly quiet and Hao Xuan kept blabbering nonsense.

"Bro, let's stop at some restaurant and have something first to fill our empty stomach.....So at least we will get some energy to walk on the beach.......i didn't even had a proper breakfast." Hao Xuan said whining.

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