Chapter 4

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Xiao Zhan flinched as he heard madam's voice and his eyes wide open in horror. Yibo confusedly look at Xiao Zhan first then at his back. He saw a woman around her 40's and 3 men, in which 1 looked like her younger brother while the other 2 her bodygaurds.

Xiao Zhan turned around like a shaking leaf as he was already crying. Madam came near him and gripped on his arm tightly that he hissed in pain. She turned him towards herself. Xiao Zhan's gaze went down on the sandy floor as he already lost the energy to look up to madam.

"You son of a bitch! cursed boy! What do you think? you can get away from me? From Madam Susan??!*shakes him*....And i will let ypu go easily, so after i lose everything that i'm having rigjt now, huh?....this life, mony cars and wealth...from where it is coming? You! If you are not there, i'll lose everything! And i won't let this happen ever! will die under me Xiao Zhan! I. Will. Never. Set. You. Free!." Madam shouted everything at him.

Making Xiao Zhan's eyes open wide in both shock n horror. He felt like his soul left his body. He began to cry hysterically.

"Madam no!, please.....p-please i beg you*sobs*.....don't do this to me madam." Xiao Zhan cried loudly.

"Never!... let's go boys!." Madam more tightly held on his arm and drag him with her back to brothel.

"Madam no!. Madam please leave me!..let me go!.... i beg you!'re hurting me*sobs loudly*... Have mercy madam!." Xiao Zhan cried while sobbing loudly.

He time to time turned to see Yibo and then took last glance at him before leaving . And after some time he was finally gone out of Yibo's sight.

Yibo who was still in daze, couldn't figure out at what just happened in front of him. He was still in his thoughts when Hao Xuan called him from behind.

"Yibo!, what are you doing? She is gone.....her mom took her away. Let's go!. It's already late." Hao Xuan said.

He put his right hand on Yibo's shoulder to assured him. Yibo look on his left shoulder then at Hao Xuan who smile at him. Yibo took one last glance at the place, from that innocent beauty left. He clenched his fist. They both left and arrived back home.

Wang Mansion

Hao Xuan and Yibo were sitting quietly in living room

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Hao Xuan and Yibo were sitting quietly in living room. Hao Xuan was on his phone but he wasn't reacting at all and Yibo was in his thoughts sitting with open legs, elbows resting on knees and his fingers joined together.

Suddenly Hao Xuan noticed the silence and decided to break it.

"Yibo, i know you are thinking about that incident that happened there few hours ago....cuz i'm thinking the same as well." Hao Xuan spoke and Yibo looked up to him.

"Her mother took her...even though she was a bit harsh.." Hao Xuan couldn't complete his sentence as Yibo cut him in the middle.

"Bit harsh?!....didn't you saw, how she shouted at her?" Yibo raised his voice which surprised Hoa Xuan to end. But he didn't asked why as he ignored it.

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