Chapter 6

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Brothel mansion

"Y-you!." Xiao Zhan said in shock and surprise.

At first he couldn't see the person but just as he raised his head, he thought for few seconds to remember this person. He felt like he saw him before and as the same face came through his mind. His eyes widen. Inside he was jumping with utter happiness.

Yibo looked at him with hurtful look in his eyes. Xiao Zhan felt like he is maybe pitying on him. He hung his head low in sadness. But then he felt a warm big hand on his small one. He looked up with his tears flowing eyes. Yibo wiped his tears with his free hand.

"Lead me to a place, where there is no one except us." Yibo said in alow voice.

Xiao Zhan without hesitation, nod his head and walk towards the pool side with Yibo following him from behind.

Xiao Zhan without hesitation, nod his head and walk towards the pool side with Yibo following him from behind

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They both reach the place and stood face to face. He can clearly see the nervousness on the other's face.

"Xiao Zhan." Yibo said.

Xiao Zhan's head jerked up towards the person, who called his name so lovingly. Tears began to fall from his eyes. Seeing his tears falling and they looked no less like some precious pearls. Without waisting even a second, Yibo took him is his arms and caressed his head gently. Xiao Zhan being a little kid, hug him back and began to cry hysterically.

Yibo let him cry in his embrace as he knew how much he had suffered. He promised himself that he is not going to forgive anyone, who made this little soul to cry. Xiao Zhan, for the first time recieved such warmth from this embrace that he don't want to lose it at all.

After some of calming him, he loosened the hug a little to take a look of his love. He placed his folded index finger under his chin and lifted his teary face. Yibo frowned upon seeing him like this. Using his both hand's thumbs, he wiped those tears and placed a gentle kiss on his forhead. Xiao Zhan was totally relaxed aster recieving such care and love from his prince charming.

"How are you??" Yibo asked.

Even though he know what just happened to him, still he tried.

"I-i am fine." Xiao Zhan replied.

The answer made Yibo's mouth agape from the unexpected answer. But he composed himself.

"Are you sure?" Yibo asked again.

Xiao Zhan noded his head. Yibo lowered his head alittle.

"Do you know me??" Yibo asked.

"Yes." Xiao Zhan replied with his gaze down on the floor.

Yibo cupped his left cheek and raised his head. Xiao Zhan looked at him, in his eyes.

"Where?" Yibo asked with a little smile.

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