Chapter 17

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"Forgiving someone isn't a small thing. If one forgives someone than consider you the biggest heart in the world." -- Author


Author Pov

After the unexpected double breakfest date both the couples went back to their respective homes. Wang Yibo was beyond happy for his brother like friend and Xiao Zhan found a new in friend.

Wang Mansion

12:15 am ( Midnight )

Wang Yibo was in his study, checking on the files he recieved from his secretery through email. While Xiao Zhan was in their bedroom, foldding some clothes and arranging Wang Yibo's closet.

Xiao Zhan just sat on the stool of his dressing, when the door of their room opened revealing Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo through the mirror and passed a soft smile.

"Are you done from work?"

Xiao Zhan asked as he took some lotion from the bottle started to apply on his soft fair hands. Wang Yibo walked towards him and bending down a little he kissed Xiao Zhan's cheek with his hands on his shoulders.

Xiao Zhan smiled closing his eyes, feeling so loved. Wang Yibo lowered his head a little more as he sucked on his nape and shoulder.


His name as a moan escaped Xiao Zhan's lips when he felt Wang Yibo being more touchy. Xiao Zhan was in his white bathrobe as he took a shower. The weather was cold because of the early winters.

Wang Yibo's hand moved towards the neck of robe and was about to remove it, when a hand caught his wrist. Xiao Zhan glanced at Wang Yibo.

"Nope!... Go and lie down in the bed. I'm coming after a minute."

Xiao Zhan said and turned his face back to the mirror.

"Then??.." Wang Yibo asked in hope of recieving the answer he expects. But guess destiny was not on his side.

"Then... We'll sleep cuddling." Xiao Zhan replied making shattering Wang Yibo's hopes.

Xiao Zhan noticed his Wang Yibo's facial expressions. He smiled and turned his head to him.

"I'm only kidding... Then.. We'll do what you wish. After all.. I am all yours." Xiao Zhan replied with a shy smile.

Wang Yibo's eyes brightened at his reply. Pecking Xiao Zhan's nose he made his way towards the bathroom to take warm night shower.

Few minutes later, Wang Yibo walked out of the bathroom wearing a black silk robe fitted perfectly enough to show his masculenity. The string of the robe was tied losely and was exposing his well built chest.

Wang Yibo found tbe room silent as he looked around the room. Xiao Zhan was nowhere in the room. He thought maybe he want downstairs for some work. Shrugging his thoughts, Wang Yibo sat on the edge of bed and was about to pick up his phone when he heard someone walk.

"Ahem Ahem..." A coughed was heard in the room from a side. Wang Yibo raised his head and glanced to the person standing near the closet door frame who fully caught his attention.

There stood Xiao Zhan looking hell a sexy. He was wearing dark blue nighty made from soft silk and it's upper coat of a fine net. He had a sly seducing smirk on his face making Wang Yibo's jaw to drop.

"Xia--Xiao... Yo-"

"What?? Didn't told you that tonight.. I will let you do whatever you want with me... Why are you stuttering now?" Wang Yibo blinked his eyes as he listened to his words and placed his phone back on the bedside table.

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