Chapter 5

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Brothel mansion
[ The day madam brought him back... ]

After arriving back, madam took Xiao Zhan straight too his room and shut rhe door from behind. The consist only Madam and Xiao Zhan.

"Tell me! Why the hell you ran away and didn't even dare to return??" Madam asked him, raising her voice.

Xiao Zhan was still looking downwards with tears falling from his eyes.

"Madam i am telling you....that man was touching me inappropriately. How can i stand and allow him to touch me?" Xiao Zhan replied whike sobbing.

"How many times have i told not blame him and you can't say anything to him!." Madam said alittle but nervousely. Xiao Zhan felt she is hiding something from him.

"What do you mean?". Xiao Zhan asked.

"It's not like i'm scared of you or anything...that man is paying me money and...and i already know about his actions." Madam said stuttering but last line she said hurriedly.

Xiao Zhan's eyes grew wide in shock. Questions began to form in his mind. Why? Why madam let that happened even after knowing his bad intensions towards me?? Why she didn't react or said anything to him? Why she hates me that much? What wrong did i do to have rhis kind of life? Oh god! please have mercy on your human.

"Why??" Xiao Zhan said in a low voice.

"Shut up! wrench, don't you dare utter a single word to me.!" Madam shouted at him. The poor angel shivered in fear at the sudden loud voice.

"And let me tell you one thing, Pan Zi Jiang is out of country right now...but as i promised him, i'm gonna keep you locked in this room until he comes back. He wants to take you as his personal servent and i can't resist such an great offer as he is already paying me alot..... As for your punishment, no food and water for tonight." Madam exclaimed and went out of the room leaving Xiao Zhan in daze.

Xiao Zhan Pov
I felt my knees slowly touching the ground as tears found their ways to fall down my cheeks. I couldn't understand anything at what just madam said. Is he really going to hand me over to that bad guy?. Will i leave brothel to live a more miserable life??. Why God is unfair with me? I never hurt anyone or thought bad about them, then why?

After some time i stood up on my feet and went to washroom to wash my face. Coming out i headed towards my bed and lied without changing my dress as i was so tired.

I was about to close my eyes when a face i saw in the beach, come through my mind and a beautiful smile appeared on my face. That handsome face just like a prince. I knew, when i saw him i knew i fell for for him right at moment. Because i can see in his eyes the care, respect and sincerety he had but also one more thing which i now know is nothing else but 'love'.

How i wish he can come here for me and take me away from this hell and that evil monster Pan Zi Jiang. I'm really scared. Can i have a little hope, that he will come for me?, just like in fairytales where princess's prince's come to save them. Will my prince charming come for me?.

A lone tear escaped from the corner of my eyes and i turned to my right side, from where the moonlight is hitting my face through window.

"Oh my Lord, may my sufferings sokn come to an end and may my parents rest in peace...Amen." I prayed with closed eyes and then open them again. Looking at the moonlight night sky.

End of Xiao Zhan Pov
"I hope you are also looking at the same moonlight... I love you my prince charming, good night...see you in dreams." And with that he fell asleep with a soft smile on his lips forgetting the hurtful words and actions used on the poor thing.

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