Chapter 20 + Epilogue

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            "Fight for your fairytale"


                        1 months later.

Author Pov

It's been one month already since the wedding of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan took place. During that one month, Yibo took Zhan on a honeymoon  to Maldives which was Zhan's wish. Zhan had told Yibo about how he had seen this small country in magzines and wished to visit there. Yibo, being the best and lovely husband he is, took him their as he granted his wife's wish.

Coming back, they both got back on their routines. Zhan handled the household and stayed at home where as Yibo was back to his company. His schedule was also very tight due to the holidays he took for his honeymoon. He became so busy in his work that now he usually comes home late which started to make Zhan worry.

Zhan got into the habit of ataying awake and waiting for Yibo. This habit of his made Yibo angry but Zhan's innocent eyes were always the powerful weapon to save him from Yibo's anger. Things aside, but Yibo loved this habit of Zhan.

Now after one month, everything is going perfect and dreamy for Zhan. But recently, he had been feeling sick. It was as if he had eaten alot of food and wanted to throw up. Zhan did not discussed about this with Yibo because he don't want to make him worry. Zhan had seen how Yibo was working hard and came home late, all tired. He don't want to pressure him by telling him about his sickness.

Today was another day like any normal day of life. The day had turned into night. Zhan was seated on the sofa of the living room, waiting for her husband. He loved waiting for Yibo. A slight smile on his face. Soon, the door opened revealing Wang Yibo who walked inside with a smile. Zhan, upon seeing his husband, rushed towards him and snuggled in her husband's embrace. Yibo also closed his eyes as he tightened his arms around his wife. Both stayed on the same spot for some moment.

When suddenly Yibo felt weight in his arms. He opened his eyes and glanced down. Zhan had his eyes closed as his conciousness blew away. He fell limp in Yibo's arms.

"Zh- Zhan!"

Yibo paniced at the state of his wife. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought to see his wife so weak and fragile. Without wasting anymore second, Yibo lifted Zhan in his arms in bridal carry and dashed out of the mansion.


Wang Yibo walked back and forth in nervousness as the doctors were inside the ER with his wife. He could not figure what had happened to his wife? He only saw Zhan exhausted and constantly vomitting almost everyday. He took that as a regular morning sickness but never in his dreams had he thought that Zhan would faint and will be laying on the hospital bed.

What will happen to his wife? Is it a very serious disease? Will Zhan leave him?


Zhan would never do that. He had promised him that he will stay with him till his last breath. It must be a normal sickness and nothing serious.

Yibo had many negative thoughts roaming inside his mind but he kept on assuring himself that Zhan be alright.

Without his realization, the door of the ward was pushed open and a female doctor walked outside with a smile on her face. Seeing this, Yibo was a bit irritated because his wife is in serious matter and this doctor dared to smile on him. But he ignored it and walked towards her.

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